Sunday, December 29, 2013

Amador 12/28/13

My friend Brian Wilson (AKA Beachboy) gave me a call and said he was going to be home for the holidays from the Navy and wanted to get some fishing in while he was back. Don't have to tell me twice. Loaded up the tin can, grabbed him and off to Amador we went hoping for some hog sized trout. Up until today the biggest trout Brian had ever seen was your typical DFG 12 inch stockers, so he was in for a treat today. Arrived at the ramp around 0730 so a miserable sight of what it left of lake Amador. I forgot to get a wide shot for you guys, but standing at the top of the boat ramp you can't even see the water if that puts it in perspective. One boat launching at a time and its a shallow launch in a gully that's maybe only 20 ft wide. Glad I had the tin can today.

Dropped in and made out way trolling towards Mountain Springs only getting one short tap on a power worm along the way. Got back into the Arm and started seeing more fish rising. We pulled the trolling lines in and tried casting for em. Brian threw a kastmaster while I threw my jigs. We both immediately missed two solid hits right off the bat and struggled to find one to bite afterwards. Fish were rising all around us, but didn't want to hit. After 30+ mins of hitting em Brian finally gets one to take a kastmaster and takes the skunk off of the boat for the day.

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Brian was in disbelief when I told him for this lake that's a small fish, and we'll be getting into some bigger ones.

Kept plugging at em for another hour for no more bites. Hated the idea of leaving fish to find fish cause they were still rising, but we went back on the prowl to see if we could find some hungry fish that were willing to bite. Trolled rapala's out towards Jackson to see if anything else was happening there. On the way I got grabbed on a J-7 firetiger Rapala and managed to get my first to the boat.

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Now that's what I'm talking about. Probably about a 4lb hen to add to the box.

Kept trolling back into Jackson hoping to find some cruising schools to no luck. Just a sad sad sad little dribble emptying into the lake.

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Needless to say there wasn't much here. Brian did managed to lose one on his Kastmaster, but much less activity here. Didn't stay long, trolled back out and tried trolling around the lake for a while hoping the Rapala bite was on. Made 3 laps around the lake and ran all the way back into the Carson arm for nothing else. Talked to a lot of other boaters along the way, many were skunked, but most seemed to have 1-3 fish. The bank anglers seemed to be doing way better then the boaters were doing. Made our way back to mountain springs since we knew there were fish there. As we were entering the arm Brian gets a hit on his Rapala finally.

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Brought him in and landed the beauty.

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Not a monster, but a new PB for Brian.

Running on the high we made one more short lap around the lake with the Rap's hoping for another grab, but it never happened. Back to Mountain Springs beached the boat and got out to try and soak some bait for these guys. Soaked some powerbait off the bottom and a pink powerworm under a bobber. My powerworm got grabbed after 5 mins of us being there, that I didn't get to in time before he let go. Brian keep at it with his kastmaster casting towards rises. Stayed here for a little over an hour and we managed to get one each and missed a few other bites as well. Power worm worked for me and the kastmaster for Brian. Sun was going down so we hopped back into the boat to troll our way back to the ramp. Trolled powerworms all the way back and managed to grab one more before we made it back to the ramp.

Sitting at the bottom of the ramp with the boat, sent Brian to get my truck and bring the trailer down. I can't see where the road towards the parking lot and I know its a long walk, but it seemed like I was sitting there forever waiting on him to come back down with the trailer. That bad feeling like something happened hit me and I was a little worried, but I tried not so be. Maybe 10 mins later sure enough I see Brian walking down yelling for me. Beached the boat and got out to see that the Jackass drove my truck off of the god damn ramp.

It was too dark to get a picture so let me try to paint it for you guys. The cement ramp you back your trailer down is maybe only 15ft wide give or take. On either side is a straight drop into a ditch maybe 2.5ft down. As Brian backed my truck down he made a course correction and wasn't watching as the front right tire goes off the edge and gets stuck. Luckily I have a small light truck so a couple of guys came over to help me out and were able to lift my truck up just enough to hope the edge as I put it in reverse. Disaster averted, be very careful out there guys. Its too easy to get yourself in a pickle out there. After holding the ramp up for 15 mins looking like a couple of clowns we got the boat on the trailer and got out of there in a hurry.

Back at the cleaning station to end our day.

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Not the hottest day at Amador, but we got a nice haul to feed plenty of friends and family back at home. Beautiful day on the water, good fishing, great seeing Brian again, and except for our last minute mishap the day couldn't have been better.

Till Next Time Guys
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Sunday, December 22, 2013

More Delta Sturgeon 12/21/13

The crew of lads and I were back at it for another attempt for sturgeon. Launched from Sherman around 0730 or so. Did some searching around looking for fish on the graph. Found several area's with some fish on the graph. Stopped and dropped baits in each one for at least an hour for maybe 1 bite in each area. Stopped right at Sherman, looked all around Chain, made a couple of stops in Broad, and even went back to where we got Garrett on his fish last week. Saw marks on the screen, but the fish just weren't really biting today for us. Ran back and made our way up river to see if we could have any better luck there.

Searching around at this point it was just after 1300 and Ethan and Garrett were already talking about heading home early. I wasn't going to let that happen though, I don't play like that. Tides were changing and I was hoping that would help us out some. Dropped anchor at the Powerlines at the beginning of the incoming tide. Sitting on top of some marks that looked like this I had a decent amount of confidence.

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We had sardines, shad, grass, ghost, and roe in the water. Soon enough Garrett starts getting hit on sardines and before you know it we finally got a fish in the boat.

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Not our target fish, but Striper taco's are delicious. Fish in the box, good feeling.

Garrett and Ethan kept sardines and shad on to keep the action going. I stuck with a roe ghost combo really hoping the sturg was around and hungry. I should have listen to the advice Kenji gave me a while back though cause before you knew it, Ethan's rod doubles over on his shad and he hooks into our first sturgeon of the day. Smaller fish, but still a blast and we got our target fish in the boat.

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Scrappy little 33 incher.

Back into the drink it goes. Regardless of anything else getting one sturgeon on the boat makes me happy. Being such an elusive fish for me even the shakers get me excited.

After seeing that one come up our blood was pumping and we were all excited. Watching the rods closely and testing out our new balance beam today.

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Does its job and works great. Got to love to new resources I have access too now, that Ethan has hooked me up with to be able to get all this metal work done.

Fish kept biting in waves as schools came through. We picked up a shaker here and there to keep us entertained, then Garrett swings into something a little bigger. After feeling the weight I heard him say "Its a sturgeon." I have to admit I didn't believe him at first, not because I didn't believe him, I just didn't think we would be lucky enough to get two so quickly. Sure enough though his rod is going crazy and that's a sturg pulling for sure.

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Looks like its got more weight to it too, fingers crossed maybe we got a keeper. Fish comes up and it looks close, but small at first glance.

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Taped him out to 37 inches. Pretty close, but still not enough. Still a great fish though.

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Garrett's sturgeon of the day.

Our 2nd trip out now and we've brought 3 sturgeon to the boat I can't complain one bit, were doing pretty good. On both sides of the slot now, we just have to get one in the middle. Stuck it out till almost 1800 with a few more shakers to show for out efforts.

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I did miss a few good pumps on roe, but wasn't able to connect on it. All of our fish came on shad mostly and sardines.

Headed back in to have the boat put away and back home by 2100. Been a very long, but awesome day. Starting to really get into this Sturgeon thing. I think I'm starting to figure them out. Hopefully it will only get better from here.

Till next time guys

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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sturgeon Virgin 12/15/13

This is technically our second trip out on it since its been fixed, but I never got around to writing a skunked report from Camanche so here is it.

My 17.5 ft Spectrum "Da Shark" is up and running!!! Today Ethan, Garrett and I decided to go big and go on the hunt for some Dino's in the Dirty D. Got off to a later start then we wanted to with making a couple of pit stops along the way down. Dropped the boat in @ Sherman Island around 0900. Armed with Sardines, Grass, Shad, and Roe we were on the prowl. Started the day off around Chain. Lots of boats in the area and a decent amount of fish on the graph. Set the pick in roughly 30 ft of water and started soaking baits. Listened to some radio chatter, heard a lot of guys were struggling with little to no action. Wasn't gonna bring us down though. Maybe 30 mins into Garrett gets a quick pump on roe, but it didn't ever come back. Heard one big boy breach while we were out there but that was about it. DFW survey takers came by. Said they saw some people with stripers near the Rio Vista bridge, but no sturgeon. Stuck it out here for close to 2 hours with no other action, so we moved on.

Motored down to Pittsburgh, found fish in 40-60ft of water but the current was too much for us here. Ran a little further up to some calmer water and dropped anchor in about 38ft. Baits out and we're fishing again.

Arches on the graph, glass calm conditions, all we need is for the fish to bite.

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It was only a matter of time.

This was Garrett's first ever real sturgeon trip, and needless to say, as you could imagine, he was bored out of his freaking mind. I can't blame him it's a slow fishing game, but Ethan and I kept telling him its worth it just be patient and stick it out. He and all of us got pretty easily distracted though and were continuously goofing off and giving each other shit all day though. Only difference was Ethan and I always had an eye on the rods. Garrett spacing out in his own little world gets two solid hard pumps on his roe and doesn't see them in time after Ethan and I are yelling at him "Your rods going off Garrett!" Missed his chance, fish never came back. Only about 1300 at this time still plenty of day light left. Maybe another 30 mins later Garrett gets the very slow classic pump that goes on for 5-10 seconds and where is Garrett? With his head still stuck up his ass not paying attention. Ethan finally said screw you pushing him out of the way to set the hook, but didn't make it to the rod in time. God damn kid is the only one getting bites and he is the only one not paying attention to the rods.

At this point Ethan and I would not stop giving him shit for missing two great hits. Garrett said he was due for a suicide hit next which is what he was gonna need in order for him to hook one. Another half hour goes by and sure enough his rod slowly loads up but it doubles over. He still isn't paying attention. As his pole is scooting across the back of the boat, almost on its way over the side with Ethan and I yelling again in the background "Grab your fucking rod and swing Garrett!!!" He finally gets there in time and sticks his fish. Fish on baby! We got a fight ahead of us now.

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Garrett has never fought or caught a sturgeon before, so I told him to be ready for it and don't be surprised when it will come right to the boat really easy at first, but once it see's the boat he will run and its game on from there. I don't think he really believed me when I told him that, but he was ready for it. Ethan grabbed the net just encase. Fish came boat side and right as it got within 5 ft of the boat we saw this BEAST of a dino breach right next to us and took off on his run.

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Ethan looked back at me and said "Well here we can put the net away were not gonna be needing that haha." That thing was huge and it took Garrett on a ride. Probably about 10 or so minutes into the fight I thought to check the time and it was 1438. All of our rods were in and we were all excited just to see this fish come boat side and get our first one of the day. Fight started off fine, taking this nice and easy, gaining some line, losing more, gaining a little more, losing a lot more. Next thing I know I look at the time and its 1530. Holy shit this fish has been going on for an hour. Doesn't help that Garrett has this oversized beast on a 6'6" ugly stick that's meant for catfishing. After that hour though the fish would get within 5ft of the boat and I would break out the camera ready for the fish to come up, but it really never did.

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Still able to make fool's of our self's while fighting fish.

1545 rolls around, still fighting that fish. 1600, fish is still on. 1615, alright Garrett your taking freaking forever to land this god damn fish. Ethan and I want to get back in the water and get one too!

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The freaking tide had turned and Garrett fought that fish all the way through the slack!

Finally I see some color!

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and back down it goes for another run.

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Seeing that fish come up though gave us all a much needed adrenaline boost. Ethan made an attempt to reach over and grab the tail.

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Attempt #1, failed. 5 mins later Attempt #2 failed. 10 mins later Attempt #3 I put the camera down and got in there with Ethan. Fish got close enough to me I put both my hands around his tail and held on for dear life as it tried to go on another run, but I was not letting go, we were all ready for that fight to be over. Got him along side of the boat. 71 inches to the fork and 28 inch girth.

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What a monster!!! Held it boat side to revive her and she swam off great in no time.

Time check, it's 1630. A 2 hour long fight!!! I give this guy shit a lot, but I got to give it to him. His first ever Sturgeon he has hooked into and he landed that monster on a 6'6" medium ugly stick. Guppy knows how to fish. I think I would have lost patience with it a long time ago. Looked up to see and realize the fish pulled us off of the pick and dragged us about 100 yards down river. Oops, pull up lets reset. Dropped back in with 30 mins of light left in our day. Garrett of course was done and laid down on the bow. Ethan and I dropped back in hoping for a keeper that doesn't take two hours to land. Stuck it out until 1700 with marks on the graph, but no more bites for us today.

Called it from there and made our way back home. What a day, I know I wasn't the man on the rod, but I got just as much excitement just from watching Garrett fight that fish and to have been there and to be part of that experience. Fish that big is something I've only dreamed of and I still can't comprehend that we got a fish to the side of the boat that is bigger then all of us. Garrett looked on a chart which estimates the fish to be right around 100lbs. Freaking incredible, and all of us can't wait to get back out to do it again.

Till The Guys