Friday, August 1, 2014

Sac Salmon Try 7/30 & 8/01

Took the boat out a couple of days with my dad hoping to get on a salmon or two. Wednesday we launched out of Wimpy's to troll Walnut Grove to see what was going on there. Plan was to troll early hopefully have a fish or two by 1000 and get some bass fishing in the rest of the afternoon. Dropped lines in the water by 0730 and started trolling out way down. Dragged a Kwikfish and a Flying C down river looking for our first bite. Going through town passing the marina's we had a lot of fish showing up on the graph. Right as we are passing under the bridge my dad's rod with the Flying C goes down. He runs over to it picks it up and just as he goes to fight the fish the line pops. Reel up and he's got nothing but a curly que on the end of his line. Old man said he was tying knots with his glasses on when he didn't need em and must have messed up the knot. Damn, hate losing fish to user error.

Kept working our way down river, way down river. Trolled down past Ryde
. Right in front of the hotel I had two quick hits on my kwikfish, but neither stuck. Ran all the way back up and made a few more passes in both
directions where my dad had his hit. Still fish on the graph, but nothing biting. 1100 called it quits from there. Docked the boat in town and made a quick stop for a waffle cone. Ice cream sounded like a great idea with it getting so hot.

Ran back threw the lock and started cranking the rocks to look for some bass to entertain us for the day. I ended up catching several fish on crankbaits and senkos. Most being shorts, fun to catch though. Wanted to do some pitching and punching, but most of my better holes I like to fish were above the water with it being low tide right now. Called it a day after 1300 when it got too hot.

No pictures this day sorry.

Back at it again Friday was able to convince Deni to come out with us today. Trying more up river, launched out of Stan's Marina and ran up river towards the minnow hole. My dad had a game plan of spots he wanted to try this morning. Hit an old honey hole first thing in the morning to plunk kwikfish and try to get something going right away. A little too late of a start then we wanted to this morning, but still early enough to catch a cool looking sunrise.

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Lines in the water again by 0730 this morning. Not much current with the incoming tide, but just enough to get the kwik's working. Stuck it out here until 0840 with no love so we picked up and ran down to Freeport.

Trolled through most of Freeport before stopping to try and plunk kwikfish again.

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Tried dropping anchor and plunking, but there wasn't nearly enough current so we just threw spinners instead.

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Tried here for the better part of an hour, but the sun was fierce and My dad and Deni weren't having it. Pulled anchor again and my dad wanted to run down river and see if we could drop anchor somewhere in the shade. Too late in the day though none to be found. Finally while looking for shade though we did see a nice school on the graph pushing through the system. Dropped lines in below them and trolled back. Pulled a kwikfish, silvertron, home made spinner, and a wiggle wart to see if one would bite and play today. Trolled all the way back through Freeport though without any love. Pulled the lines back in at the bridge and made the run back to the ramp to get off of the water and out of the heat and a dry and empty live well lacking in the fish department.

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Off of the water by 1200 and picked up a few soft serve cones for the drive home.

No luck for me, but there is no doubt there are fish out there. Forgot to mention I saw a few roll below walnut grove while we were there. Not many people fishing out right now. Only two other trollers at Walnut Grove, and one jigger at Freeport. Well be back again soon. Salmon time is here.

Till Next Time