Sunday, September 28, 2014

AR Salmon 09/28/14

Back at the AR this morning for more salmon action. Today I had two friends with me with very little
fishing experience so I decided to try and find new waters to fish today in search of fishable water with less crowds to worry about. Worked a few areas in the barbless section and I saw a decent amount of movement early in the morning before the sun came out but we weren't hooking into anything. After watching a few fish rolling and a couple of bucks fighting with each other I finally hook up around 0830. Long fight of this fish bull dogging me but I got this chromer into the bank and got the skunk off of my back.

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We tried a couple more different area's and fished until 1100, but didn't see or hook into anything else. Walking down the river I did see a group of fisherman walking back to their car with at least one fish in hand. Good day though, got to spend a morning with friends and explore some new waters. Nice to be able to catch fish away from all of the crowds too.

Till Next Time Guys

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Salmon/Mark Report 9/23/14

Hey Guys, I know most of you haven't heard from me in a while and that's because I haven't really been fishing much. Not
working right now its hard to find funds for gas money to get around everywhere I'd like too but lucky for me I have a lot of good local waters to fish. With me not working though I have decided to go back to school and that has been keeping me pretty busy. Marching band at Sac State takes up almost all of my time now which is good because I love being a part of it and performing. Nice to get back into my favorite thing I loved about school. Saturday at our last game though we had some pretty crazy
roll through and with the combination of the smoke from the King Fire it made for one hell of a scene in the evening sky at our game.

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One of the coolest things I think I have ever seen.

With the thunder crashing, the small bit of rain that came in, a good overcast sky, and the temps dropping ever so slightly I knew it was time for me to get back into gear and get my salmon on.

Sunday I took my small tin can out for a quick evening session with a friend on the Sac and we trolled from Stan's Marina all the way past Cliff's for two short strikes, but nothing so show for our efforts. Talked to several boaters and only one said they had one fish. Monday morning I got out of my first class at 1000 and made my way over to Miller Park since it was close and met a couple of friends out on the water. 30 guys in the line up and 10 fish had been landed so far all on spinners. I joined in and threw spinners till 1200. Saw one fish get caught around 1145 and then the sea lion rolled in and I took off.

Two short sessions I haven't hooked into anything yet, but I've seen enough to know fish are here. Just got to keep at it. This morning I got my butt out of bed and threw my waders on and jumped into the AR. 0700, the sun is just poking out of the trees and not a soul around except myself.

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Definitely a great morning to be on the water. I wasn't really expecting much, but I had to know if they were here yet. I kept watching the water hoping I could see the wakes from some fish moving through and I swear I could, but I can never know for sure here. I go crazy sometimes thinking I see fish, but it might just be the natural rapids in the current. About 0745 though there was no mistaking my rod doubling over in a hurry and some strong head shakes and I was on! Felt good to feel salmon pull again. Got him in and finally September 23rd Mark is finally on the board.

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I didn't weigh it, but I'm pretty sure it went 15lbs at least.

Kept fishing until 0900 for nothing else. I did end up seeing 2 other fisherman way up river trying their luck, but they where no where close to me. Only a short session for me this morning, but its just the beginning of the season for me and there will be a lot more to come.

Till Then Guys

mmm . . . . salmon . . . . .