Thursday, October 30, 2014

AR Salmon Fishing

Still getting out and hitting the Kings when I can. Haven't gotten around to writing
reports everyday so let me sum up this past week or so for you guys. I try to get out at least three times a week and fishing has definitely been consistent for me, but not great by any means. Most mornings I'll go out and hook into 2-4 fish and usually every other trip I'll end up landing one or if I'm lucky two.

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The fish are changing for sure, but I still see chromers get caught every day.

My buddy Doug with his first fish and first limit of the season.

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Special appearance of Guppy from Montana who was able to come down and fish with us for a day. Good seeing him again.

Most fish are all hooked between legal fishing time and 0800 recently. Its been an early morning run and then when the sun comes over the trees its over.

This is guy has been my biggest of the season so far. Estimated 26+lbs or so.

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My most recent outing was Wednesday 10/29/14. I fished from 0630-0730 for two hook ups, one of which was landed.

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This smaller hen is by far the darkest fish I've caught so far, but they still smoke up great and I sure have been putting my smoker to work recently.

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All fish have been caught on beads.

So far I from what I've seen on my home river I really think the fish are still just kind of trickling into the river. I have yet to see a real big push of fish indicating the main school has arrived. When I see fish push through they only come up in pairs or in groups of 5 at the most. We've all been waiting and waiting for the lights out fishing we should be getting any day now when the rest of the fish decide to show up. I'm hoping that will be soon or maybe even tomorrow with the predicted
coming in, because it's long over due. It's pretty much November now and I still feel like the American River has barely even gotten started. This time last year we were catching limits every day without question. I'm sure the rest of em will show up soon.

Till Next Time Guys

Thursday, October 16, 2014

AR Salmon 10/16/14

Fishing sure has slowed down this past week so I haven't been going out as much. After yesterday's rain though I knew I had to get out there. On the water by 0600 this morning waiting for legal fishing time. 0615 got
started and had two other fisherman with me at that time. First hook up came from another fisherman around 0630. Fish on fish off. After that we had a hook up every 10-15 minutes and I was lucky enough to get two of them early and landed them both. Two hens the first pushing 24lbs and the other closer to 16. The bigger fish was turning colors but the second smaller one still had some scales. Both full of big mature roe though.

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Plenty of beautiful red gold to take home.

Got my fish back and home by 0830 today, it was a great morning on the water.

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Green beads is what they wanted today!

There should be much more to come! The
is cooling down and it should just bring more and more fish up.

Till Next Time

Thursday, October 9, 2014

American River Salmon

Anyone on here who has me as a friend on
knows I've been fishing practically every day, sorry I haven't gotten around to writing reports, but fishing everyday and going to school has been wearing me out. All worth it though. Here we go recap on the past couple of weeks.

There has been a pretty steady run of fish on the AR for a while now. Most mornings I would hook into 3-5 fish, how many would I land though? None. Due to fast water and bright heavy fish they have been putting up one hell of a fight this year and they just don't give up. I've had at least two fish now that were easily 30+lbs nearly spool me and wrap me up under a rock by the time I could gain any line back on em. All last week I fished every day, but was only able to land one fish over the course of 7 days.

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A jack that might have barely weighed in at 3lbs.

It was released in hopes of bigger fish to fill my limit with. I definitely hook more then my limits worth that day. Just couldn't get em to the shore. This past week the flows have come down on the AR which wasn't by much but it really effected our fishing. Before the flow drop we had fishing pushing through the system until 1200 on some days, since then if you don't have your fish by 0900 its over. There are still fish moving through but not in as big of
numbers and we are entering a lull in number of fish. Better news I have been able to land two this week even with a less amount of hook ups throughout the day.

This hen on Tuesday,

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and a buck this morning.

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Nice bright clean silver fish all have scales on em.

So far the way it seems for me I've been having a lot more quality salmon over quantity. Which is great! I love seeing these bright silver scaled fish in our system and I might not be landing as many, but the extra challenge its taking to land these fish is incredibly exciting and well worth the extra work.

It might not really be hot yet, but don't let anyone tell you different they are here and the time is now. Salmon Season baby!

Till Next Time Guys