Thursday, July 12, 2012

Trout Stream Fishing 7/11/12

With as well as my last trip went I wanted to get back up to the Silver Fork while the getting was still good. Had some friends that were coming but a lot flaked on me so I went up with just my friend Jazzy. Showed up at the same spot around 1500 and it was clear most of the fish have moved off. Some fish were still hanging around under some rocks and in a few eddies, but they were really pressured and weren't biting. We moved one pool down and found a few fish that were willing to bite. Jazzy drew first blood soaking some powerbait.

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She busted two real quick here.

I had a few swipe at a leech, but no takers. Missed a few on a powerworm then couldn't buy a bite after that. All the fish I missed caught on to me so I switched over to drifting salmon eggs to get my skunk off.

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Picked up a few more in this pool drifting bait.

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We tried a couple more holes down river, but didn't find much.

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Normally I would walk a good ways and do a lot of rock hopping for more fish, but Jazzy isn't very good at rock hopping and we don't need her busting an ankle. I thought the Carson isn't all that far and I haven't been up there yet this year so we packed up and headed further up the mountain.

Stopped at the Hope Valley camp grounds to try for a bit, and we found some fish still here left over from the holiday weekend. Again Jazzy hooks up right away with some power eggs.

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I missed several fish throwing jigs around but ultimately had to resort back to salmon eggs to stick anything. Caught a few more here and left at sun down happy with the day and running from all of the dang mosquito's that were out. Man were they out in full force today. Not looking forward to dealing with all of these bites tomorrow.

Salmon season is right around the corner and man I am ready for it. I love these mountain trout, but I need something that pulls hard.

Till Then Guys

p.s. there was a guy under the bridge at silver fork shooting at trout with his .22, probably a good reason most of the fish have moved off. Plus a good reason I didn't really need to stick around. Just not right man.

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