Wednesday, July 24, 2013

AR Salmon attempt(s)

Been spending lots of time still on the American River, primarily at the Basin. I'm not flossing at the wall, don't feel like dealing with the crowds up there. I've just been spending my time throwing spinners in the deeper stretch. Action here and throughout pretty much the entire basin has been slow to slower. Most day's I see or hear about 1 maybe 2 fish being hooked up. Landed for me and many other has been a whole other story. Getting a hit is hard enough.

Thursday 7/18/13 (Yes a week ago sorry I haven't gotten around to
writing a report for it) I decided to do some wading in the morning and try my luck flossing in the line up. I fished there from 0500-0700 and saw one other angler hook up and lose one next to me. Looking across the way at my usual hole I could have sworn I saw a couple of my friends messing with something on the bank and sure enough I gave them a call and they busted a 20 lber on a Flying C.

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I made my way back over to their side and finished the morning off there, but no one else hooked into anything.

Since then I've been running around on the American and the Sac here and there for nothing. Made my way back to the basin Tuesday evening (7/22/13). Tossed the usual spinners hoping for some better luck. Been a week since I've even had a bite. Just after 1900 I decided to throw a kwikfish on and tried free lining it, swinging it in the current. Second cast, as I'm letting it swing my rod nearly gets ripped out of my hand, I swung hard and finally I had a fish on again after all of my persistence and hard work. Made my way over to the proper area for landing the fish and just after 10 seconds into the fight I felt the hook pop and he was gone. A whole week without any action at all, I finally hook up into my second fish of the season and I lost it again. Very very sad times for Mark. Trying not to be too upset carried on hoping for another chance. Didn't come around though. Stuck it out until just after 2000 and I had to go.

Back at it again tonight 7/23/13 on the water just after 1700. Trying the kwikfish again. It worked for me yesterday might as well try it again today. Few fish jumping today and every one that I saw jump was bright bright silver. A new school moved up which made me a little more confident. Hopefully with more fish there will be some much better chances of getting em in here.

Around 1800 I was working my kwikfish in along side the bank and out of no where my line starts peeling off and I've got a fish on. First though was WTF I didn't feel a bite or anything, I was just working the plug in and suddenly a fish appeared. Fish took off and ran and ran and ran, I tried turning him but he would not turn. Much to my disappointment it was very obvious this was a foul hooked fish, but screw it I'm gonna have fun fighting him regardless. Let him do his run playing him easy, since I couldn't turn him though it wasn't long before I looked down at my spool and I could see my backing and the metal spool. Ok no more screwing around. I locked my drag down tight and with 50lb braid and after a long run, that fish stopped dead in its tracks. I dragged him back in ass first and I came to find he had a 15ft leader hanging from its tail and I happened to catch it. Got him in the net and snapped a quick pic.

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Nice buck easy 20 lbs, pushing close to 25, no wonder someone else lost it. I'll be 100% honest, I know it was snagged, but I did not want to let that fish go. Maybe it was the Asian in me or just because these fish are so freaking delicious. Garrett talked me down from it though, plus I know there are wardens out here watching and it would be terrible to start the season off with bad karma and a ticket to boot. Set that bad boy go to be caught another day.

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This is what I hooked into and how I was connected to the fish.

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I snagged the barrel itself on the swivel. Not one of the eyes, or wrapped up in the line, the middle of the freaking swivel. What are the odds?

Sucked having to let it go, but it did feel good doing the right thing. Good Karma should hopefully be on my side in the near future. Kept on through the night hoping for a hit. Nothing else came around though. Plenty of guys out tonight throwing spinners, plunking kwikfish, and drifting roe. All the tricks were out there, but no one else got anything from what I saw. Been a very very slow start to this season, but I know very soon once all the ocean guys stop hogging all of the fish (jk) they'll be thick in here with hopefully plenty of action along the rivers. Till then I'll still be out there working hard for em. Felt great today though to fight one and get my hands back on a King again(no homo).

Till Next Time

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