Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saturday Morning Out on the Delta

My good friend and fishing buddy Brian told me he and his family were moving out of their neighborhood due to crime and theft issues, and he told me they were moving into an apartment for the time being. With no more extra room Brian has no place to store his boat, so rather then pay to put it in storage he asked if I would be willing to store his boat at my house and I could take it out whenever I want. Who could turn down a deal like that? I told him to bring it over and I'm make sure to keep the warm for him for when he wants it back.

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Packing the boat back into the backyard.

He brought the boat over and I already had plans on getting it out. With Brian working now I called up Garrett and asked him if he was busy. He told me he was free to do some fishing in the morning, so off we went. Saturday morning 9/24/11 we launch out of Wimpy's Marina and get on the water around 0600. Its only been 3 years since I've backed up a trailor so it took me a few times to get the boat going straight down the ramp, but it all came back to me pretty fast.

We took off and got to our first spot in no time though. Right when got there fish were jumping everywhere. We could tell most of them were bass, some were carp, and there were a few stripers in the mix. We tied on our spooks and started working for that early morning top water bite. I stuck with the smaller Super Spook Junior size, but Garrett threw a Super Spook, 1 because thats all he had, and 2 he thought he had a better chance for a random striper with it. We start tossing Garrett manages to get the first blowup.

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Little guy had some balls hitting that Super spook. I end up getting one shortly after a bit smaller then Garrett's and Garrett gets one dinker. After that the sun got a bit higher and the top water bite died off. Garrett ties a crankbait on and I try a fluke for a bit. I told Garrett the crankbait probably wasn't the best idea because he would have a hard time with the weeds, but he tried anyways, and sure enough a few minutes later he proved me wrong.

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Garrett sticks a nice Largemouth on his shallow diving sexy shad color crankbait. He ends up catching a few more dinkers and I've still only got the 1 fish, so I eat my words and switch over to a crankbait. 3 or 4 cast into it I'm looking down and right as my lure comes into visible water I see a flash, my lure is gone, my rod doubles over, and my line starts singing. I scream fish on and told Garrett I was gonna need his help landing a nice lunker. Garrett looked at my rod though and told me it was a striper and not a Largemouth. I didn't want to believe him at first because I thought a crazy 8lb Largemouth sounded more exciting then a striper, but I got it in and sure enough Garrett was right.

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Not what I thought it was, but hey thats one nice fish and I'll take it. Threw his ass in the live well and I got a good dinner to look forward to later.

A few more dinkers came out here and there. We decided to move on and try another area though after that. After that we found a lot of fish hugging different rock banks. Garrett stuck with his crank bait, but I started getting more numbers throwing 4 inch pumpkin seed colored Senkos. Around 1100 our battery for the trolling motor died. I forgot to plug in and charge the batteries the night before. Rookie mistake, I'll remember next time I take it out. Still getting used to the boat. Great having it though. Opens up all kinds of options for me.

That was it for the day, Garrett had to get back home anyways for his Homecoming dance. Must have caught close to 20 sub legal bass each. I got my striper and maybe 2 or 3 around the 1 1/2-2lb range between the two of us. Great day on the water though and I can't wait to get it out again. Thinking the Sherman Island area for my next trip for some Stripers maybe? We'll see, I've got lots more places to chose from now.

Till Next Time Guys

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