Monday, October 3, 2011

South Fork American 10/2/11

Sunday morning I decided to wake up early and try for salmon for a few hours. I got out to the honey hole to find 12 other anglers all in my dad's and my special secret spot. Secrets out now. I knew a few anglers down there so I went down to try anyways. I haven't been in a few weeks, but some of the other anglers have been coming out on a regular basis. They told me most of the fish have been coming after 0900. Shame for me cause I usually leave around that time and I wanted to get off of the water today at 0830 too. I fished till 0830 as planned and nothing happened so I left. Short and sweet salmon skunk report.

Today one of my friends invited me and a few other friends up to her cabin she has located on the south fork of the American, so I left the salmon hole went and picked up my girl friend and took off up the hill. We got to the cabin around 1200 and got settled in. With the river right there though I couldn't wait for long I picked up my sissy stick and took off for the water. My girlfriend Deni came with me to try her luck as well. We both were drifting pink powerworms, me just on my fly rod (Yes I know its not a fly, but its perfect to cast on the fly rod and man is it effective) and Deni was drifting it under a bobber with a spilt shot to keep it down.

We get to the water and I give her a quick lesson on how to read the water, what to look for, pools, eddies, pockets, etc.

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I point out a pool to her that I make a few cast to and manage to miss 3 fish in. Been a while since I've used my fly rod. That's my excuse.

We keep trying and I manage to get a nice 8 inch rainbow. Deni is getting bites here and there and she lost 1.

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She was learning fast.

We continue on throughout the evening for a few more missed hits and Deni finally gets her first fish.

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I'm pretty sure she won the small fish award with this fish. Shortly after I manage to get a Brown.

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and then Deni comes back and wins the big fish award of the day with a decent Rainbow.

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After that I got my line stuck in a tree behind me and I snapped off my whole leader. With no extra leader line on me I was done for the evening. I didn't tell Deni though. I followed her and just watch how fast she learned how to read the water and how much she was getting into it. I wanted to see how long she would keep on fishing without me. I followed her through 5 different holes a long the river, she was determined to get at least one more fish to tie up with me so she kept going on and on till it got dark. She managed to get a few more bites, but couldn't get them to stick.

That was it for the day. It got dark and we decided to walk back before it got to dark to hop a long the rocks back to the cabin. Afternoon well spent. Salmon sucked, but I managed to make a great day out of it anyways. Exciting for me too to see Deni enjoying fishing more and more. I'm converting her into a natural fisherwoman . Can't ask for a better day then that.

Till Next Time Guys

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