Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Prize At Amador 12/13/11

Took the Boat back out today at Lake Amador to try some more trolling for trout. I had my co-worker Robert with me today. We finally had the same day off of work together. With listening to me talk about fishing to him for about roughly 30 hours each week, he was getting the urge to get back out to fish. He hasn't been in probably 8 years so now sounds like a good time to get back out. We got to the ramp at 0700 and got all of our trolling rods ready. I started off with a fire tiger grub with a chartuse power egg ahead of it.

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Robert did a white grub with a chartuse egg. We make a pass by the damn and the north shore to start off with since it was right there. Nothing wanted to bite there though. We get pass the spillway and as were watching a bank angler land a fish on the spillway Roberts rod doubles over. Robert was suffering from ADD having never been on a boat before he was playing around with the fish finder and didn't see the bite. I told him to grab his rod and he ran over there grabbed it and fish on baby! He gets his fish in and Rob has his first Amador cut bow.

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We go on a little further and Rob gets a second one not much later. About now I'm starting to see some fish surfacing around us so I grab my UL rod and start casting my tube jig towards the swirls. I end up getting a decent amount of hits, but I couldn't stick anything. Our trolling bite turns off on us but fish are still jumping everywhere, so we decided to cut the motor and just drift through them. I drifted a white power worm while I casted my jig around at swirls and Robert casted a kastmaster towards jumping fish. I ended up missing more fish and Rob stuck one more on the kastmaster, damn man this newbie is kicking my ass. At least I'm serving as a good guide. We drift for a while longer for some more short strikes and I ended up losing one.

We noticed after a while it seemed the surface action calmed down so we went back on the troll. We trolled over towards Jackson. I didn't think there would be any fish back there yet but man its a cool country and I thought Robert would like to see it. On the way we got saw some more surface action going on and I kept tossing my jig at em and finally I land my first fish of the day! Not only was it my first fish, but this bad boy had a tag on him!

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Nice prize for me and a fish well worth the wait and frustration of missing so many other fish before. I ended up getting two free nights of camping for this tag. That's 50 bucks I don't have to spend if/when I decide to go camping at lake Amador, awesome.

We trolled all the way back to Jackson Creek to find a small trickle of a creek.

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Needless to say there were no fish here. Back to the main lake we go! We Developed a pattern of trolling up wind then drifting back while casting lures. We had lots of bites and caught fish both ways, but it seemed like we were having better success on the drift.

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While we were drifitng I noticed all of the guys out in their pontoons waving their sissy sticks around seemed to be doing the best. I could hear them across the lake talking to each other "I just got my 10th one Bob."

Around 1500 we had 9 fish in the box and Robert had to get back home so we decided to call it quits from there. Got back to the ramp and drove up the the cleaning station.

Now for those of you guys who don't know I am a Meat Cutter at the Galt Supermarket. Robert here has taught me most of what I know and how to cut most of the meat at work, so here I got to teach him how to fillet a fish. Kind of cool me getting to teach him how to cut something.

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He did really good for his first few attempts. Having plenty of experience with knife helped I'm sure.

So the day ended with 9 fish caught. 5 for me, 1 trolling on the grub and 4 on my crappie jigs, along with another 4 lost. Robert ended up getting 4, 3 of them trolling with his white grub, and 1 on a kastmaster, along with another 2 lost on a kastmaster. Great day on the water

Good ol' Slamador proves true again with providing me a good mess of fish.

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Average was about 2lbs today some 3lbers were in the mix as well. Cool to get a new person out on the water with me, and as always it was just great to get out.

Till Next Time Guys

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