Sunday, April 21, 2013

Delta Before The Wind 4/20

Michael (Bankcaster) hit me up and said he has some free time from work and I told him I had an open spot on the tin can to work the delta for some more stripers. Told him to meet me at my place @ 0500 so we could get there in time for the first light top water bite. 0455 I wake up to him calling me saying he's outside, oops dropped the ball on that one. No worries got everything loaded and hooked up in a hurry and we were casting by 0630. Working the Moke like I have been recently I fired off my first cast and it sat on the water for maybe a second and a schoolie came up and slammed it. Fish on right off of the bat and Michael hooks into another in the same school. Solid double is a good way to
start the morning.

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First of the day

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Michael with his.

Kept working the area and we boated a couple more schoolies and Michael hooked into a nice quality fish I could tell was 8+ on the splash alone. Line snapped a minute into the fight though. Major bummer. Last time he'll ever use Stren again. Part of the game though. After that our spot cooled down so we started working our way up river.

Hit all of my usual spots and we had maybe a blow up here, one shaker there, but nothing ever got hot for us again. I did manage to pull one more off of a jerkbait and Michael landed a couple of these guys.

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My pull cord on the motor was being fussy with me the whole morning though and eventually the cord straight up snapped in half. What kind of crap is that? Thank god Michael had a couple of tools on him that went a long way. Let out some more line, making due with what we had and got the motor started again. With the wind really kicking up on us we took it as a sign to head for home.

4 fish in the box 6-7 stripers to the boat with I think only 2 being shakers pretty damn good morning in my book.

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Me with a couple

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Michael with one of his.

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Our four take homes. Finally found the cleaning station here at this place.

Everyone else we talked to at the ramp who decided to run from the wind as well said they were skunked so we felt pretty lucky with the fish that we got. Next time I hope to get a break from this wind so I can maybe spend a little more time on the water.

Till Next Time Guys

Thursday, April 18, 2013

First Shad of the Year

Quick and short. Jazzy has been asking me ever since I took her to Amador when we were going fishing again. Had some free time today thought we could go to Miller Park and give Shad a try since I knew they are here. Her, Steven, and I threw darts for a few hours along with close to 20 other guys. Saw maybe 15 or so fish get caught. Slow, but they are there. I managed to get lucky and land one.

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It may be only one but its my first of the year and now I got that monkey off of my back.

Fished 1400-1630, Jazzy lost one and all three of us missed a couple of hits that was it for us. Quick shad session will be back out soon. Hopefully they move up into the AR soon.

Off to school

Till next time guys

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Amador Evening

Wanted to hit the delta again but with the projected winds in the forecast there was no way I was going to be able to do that one. Got some friends together and decided a night time trip to Amador was in order. Jazzy just had her birthday so I bought her her fishing license so she could finally get out on the water. Took Jazzy, Deni, and Steven out with me tonight along with meeting Ethan, Andrew, and their friend Chris at the lake. Showed up around 2330 and right as I walked I saw Andrew land his first of the night, good sign. We all dropped down with either powerbait or glow jigs. One other fisherman that had just left gave Ethan his left over shrimp that he had caught a few fish on.

Ethan and I were pretty quick to get a few bites. Him on shrimp and me on powerbait. Action wasn't hot, but we were putting fish in the box. Didn't take a lot of pictures,
phone was dying and I had to use it to light up my jigs. Later we all heard some splashing at the dock and we were all looking around trying to find out who had the fish. Looked over and saw Jazzy pulling a fat crappie up and out of the water onto the dock.

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Jazzy's first ever crappie. Pretty sweet birthday present if you ask me.

We kept at it for a while longer, but after about 0100 our bite completely died off on us. We stuck it out until 0220 for only one more fish in that time frame. It got pretty cold and everyone else was getting chilled so we called it after that.

Our line up for the night.

1 crappie and 8 trout for 7 fisherpersons, pretty slow, but not bad.

A good nights work as the weather gets warmer the night bite here will pick up. Definitely nice the size was pretty decent tonight. 2-3 1/2 lbs.

Still waiting on the shad. I know they are around, but I need them to move into the American. Think I will take advantage of the low flows and dive for some crawdads this week. Should be easy pickings.

Till next time guys

Thursday, April 11, 2013

GF's First Top Water Fish

Been a long time since I've gotten Deni out on the water and I told her I had to get her on her first top water striper. Got to B&W just before sun up. Saw Jon and Ben at the ramp in a long ass line at the ramp. No big deal though. Dropped the first Impression in and headed towards the North fork of the Moke. Got to my first spot and I hooked up first on a quick blow up on a super spook. Told Deni to cast there real quick to get in the school that was probably there and she hooked up and we had ourselves a double right off the bat.

Deni with her first ever striper on top water and her personal best to boot.

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30 inches baby.

She kicked my ass too.

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Mine taped out at 25. Two solid keepers to the boat, way to start off the morning. We kept working the usual banks for a few LDR's and some missed blow ups, but no more fish to the boat. Slack
tide came quick though and our bite died quick. During the slack I switched over to throwing creature baits for some green carp.

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Fun way to kill time. After the tide turned with wind started howling and made it near impossible to plug for us. Tried trolling for an hour, but we got nothing for our efforts doing that. Didn't want to deal with the wind anymore and we had some decent sized fish to the boat so we were happy. Off of the water by 1000, we both have school later anyways. Hope to return with better conditions.

Till Next Time Guys

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Delta run 4/1-2

Monday I hooked up with Garrett and Doug to fish the Moke. Planned on running down for crappie and then just working for stripers the rest of the day. Plugged a bit on the way to our crappie grounds for a shaker Garrett got on the fly and Doug and I each got a Largemouth.

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Not too much producing though so off we went. Gave crappie a try and we found em again, but the numbers have reduced a lot.

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Doug's first ever crappie.

Got out of there fairly quickly and kept working our way down. Ended up trolling a good part of the south fork with a dozen other boats. Did see Intimidator Sport fishing working the hog slough area. Looked like he was drifting minnows. We ended up getting one and losing one on the troll and that was it. Our main plan was really just to fish top water, but that wasn't happening yet. Garrett and I tried for bass for a while for a few small one pitching into beds. Doug managed to biggest one though throwing a crappie jig into one of the beds.

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Defiantly seemed like a blast on the light gear.

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Very nice fish too.

Got bored of that after a while and went back to targeting stripers enough messing around though we went over to the north fork where I knew we would find them and we almost immediately started hooking into fish. Doug was doing pretty good working a Jerk bait while Garrett tore them up on the fly. I got one drifting a shiner, but I was struggling getting bites plugging with my swimbait. I don't know if it was because I was at the back of the boat, I didn't have the right bait, or because I was just spending less time in the water because I was working the trolling motor, but it didn't matter much to me as long as we were putting fish in the boat.

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Doug has a lot more pictures then I do that he will contribute later I'm sure.

Plugged for 3-4 hours and brought close to 20 stripers to the boat with missing a losing a few more of course. 1830 came around and we switch over to our top water plugs and our first new spot we banged a freaking amazing triple.

In the excitement of hurrying to get back in the water but wanting to get the fish in for a group shot Doug took a treble to the hand though. Luckily the hook came out easy and I had a small first aid kit on the boat so he could get it cleaned and wrapped and and get back to fishing.

My first top water fish of the evening. Biggest of the day around 28 inches.

We stayed on a pretty consistent top water bite for roughly an hour till I had some electrical problems in the boat and couldn't get the motor started. After fiddling with it for 30 mins or so. Doug found an emergency pull cord in the cover though and we got it started and made the safe run home.

Great day on the water boated 30+ fish and man that top water action is a serious drug. Cant get enough of it.

4/2 I wanted to try for my sturgeon one more time. My dad and I went up to Cache and soaked sardines and roe/eel hoping for a keeper. Saw a lot of em breaching. Fished the end of the incoming for one good pumped that I made a swing at just in time to feel the weight of the fish, but the hook didn't land. Tide switched and at the beginning of the outgo and had one hard slam on the roe again and I was able to stick him. It had some decent weight to it so I knew it wasn't a striper or a catfish. Right after I set the hook though I felt solid head shakes for about 10 seconds. Thought that was really weird for a sturgeon. Fought him to about 30ft away from the boat and it made a run under the boat and I had my drag set too tight and he shook the barbless hook. Stupid rookie mistake.

10 mins later among all of the sturgeon rolling my dad saw a salmon jump clear out of the water bight as day. What the heck are salmon doing in Cache? Shortly after we both saw another one jump right next to the boat, and then another. After seeing them and thinking about the head shakes my fish had I couldn't help but think that my fish might have been a salmon. I did get it on roe. I'll never know though, Something to think about.

Only fish of the day my dad managed one shaker striper on sardines.

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Beyond that it was a lot of this.

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A lot of sitting and waiting. I really want to just get my one so I can be done with it. Man sturgeon fishing is boring. In the boat though man it sure is comfy. Almost fell asleep a couple of times. Off of the water by 1430 to get to school on time.

Till Next Time Guys

P.S. still waiting on the silver bullets to arrive . . . .
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