Sunday, April 21, 2013

Delta Before The Wind 4/20

Michael (Bankcaster) hit me up and said he has some free time from work and I told him I had an open spot on the tin can to work the delta for some more stripers. Told him to meet me at my place @ 0500 so we could get there in time for the first light top water bite. 0455 I wake up to him calling me saying he's outside, oops dropped the ball on that one. No worries got everything loaded and hooked up in a hurry and we were casting by 0630. Working the Moke like I have been recently I fired off my first cast and it sat on the water for maybe a second and a schoolie came up and slammed it. Fish on right off of the bat and Michael hooks into another in the same school. Solid double is a good way to
start the morning.

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First of the day

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Michael with his.

Kept working the area and we boated a couple more schoolies and Michael hooked into a nice quality fish I could tell was 8+ on the splash alone. Line snapped a minute into the fight though. Major bummer. Last time he'll ever use Stren again. Part of the game though. After that our spot cooled down so we started working our way up river.

Hit all of my usual spots and we had maybe a blow up here, one shaker there, but nothing ever got hot for us again. I did manage to pull one more off of a jerkbait and Michael landed a couple of these guys.

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My pull cord on the motor was being fussy with me the whole morning though and eventually the cord straight up snapped in half. What kind of crap is that? Thank god Michael had a couple of tools on him that went a long way. Let out some more line, making due with what we had and got the motor started again. With the wind really kicking up on us we took it as a sign to head for home.

4 fish in the box 6-7 stripers to the boat with I think only 2 being shakers pretty damn good morning in my book.

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Me with a couple

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Michael with one of his.

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Our four take homes. Finally found the cleaning station here at this place.

Everyone else we talked to at the ramp who decided to run from the wind as well said they were skunked so we felt pretty lucky with the fish that we got. Next time I hope to get a break from this wind so I can maybe spend a little more time on the water.

Till Next Time Guys

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