Sunday, August 25, 2013

Feather River Pink

Salmon season still being on a slow start in the valley I heard that the Feather River was kicking out fish and decided to make the haul up there in hopes of getting into some more fish. For the longest time I didn't want to come up here because I thought it was a long drive. When I looked at it though it only about an hour and a half for me and I've driven further then that for trout so making that run for salmon, definitely worth it. I've made several trips up here now and my first few have been very less then successful. First three trips I only hooked into one fish. Getting used to a new area I've never been to before and it took me a little while to learn a couple of new things and get into the groove of it. Even though I wasn't having any luck I've been watching fish get caught all around me though, so I had faith that I would get into em eventually. Friday though 8/23 I came up with a friend with a little bit more confidence. Had the right gear, gained some more knowledge about the area and it just felt like it was my time.

Showed up to pretty light crowds around 1400 and got into our drift. Fish are rolling, they are here its only a matter of time. 1430 I stick my first of the day. Super fast current here spent my time wearing the fish out and walking him down. Came to learn real quick that I don't have a full spool of line so I had to be careful with letting fish run though. Fish was spunky and it kicked my ass. Got him in and landed my first Feather river fish. Feisty little 11lber. Nothing huge but man it sure as hell kicked my ass. On the board though I'm happy. I got it early too so a limit is in sight.

Kept at it changing up weights to try to find the perfect drift and spent an hour watching them roll right in front of me
swimming right by without hooking up. Only slightly frustrating, 1550 though I hook into my second one. Fish stay's pretty calm for the first portion of the fight. Fought him all the way to the bank and right as I saw color that fish got pissed and woke up. Bolted off on a long run taking enough of my line I was down to backing. Cranked my drag down a little more and started running down river. Water started getting so deep I was swimming down river to catch up to my fish. Don't think I've ever put in so much work for a salmon in my life. Didn't have any good bank to land that fish anywhere so I just fought it and fought it until after maybe close to a 30 minute battle my fish came right at me and went belly up. Well your done. Pulled him in grabbed him by the gill and made my way back up river and I am done. 2 hours, 2 hook ups, and I got my 2 fish limit. That's how it should be.

My second fish was a much nicer buck coming in around 25lbs.

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Stayed until 2000 with my friend hoping he would get into some which he wasn't able to do. All part of the game though. Fish were rolling all day though and I was watching a few other fisherman hook into a couple all to be lost at the bank.

My limit at home.

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First limit of the year baby!

Got the chance to head back up today (8/25/13). Tried getting into my spot where I limited Friday, but one its the weekend and I guess word got out, it was packed. On the Water by 0830 and there was no room anywhere. Mike (Bankcaster) was with me today. We looked around and made our way down river to an area where we saw a big group of fisherman working that we were able to squeeze our way into. Fished there for a little over an hour and for a dozen fisherman we only saw one fish get hooked. Fish are jumping all over though place though, just no one could hook any. Plus the area had a lot of snags to deal with, and I had to admit my mojo was pretty shaken up after I didn't get my spot I wanted. Pulled out of there and moved up river to another productive area where I know fish get hooked on a regular basis. Joined the line with about 8 other guys and steadily saw a fish get hooked every 10-20 mins or so. Much more promising.

Most of the fish were pretty hot and getting lost. Decent amount of action for everyone it seemed like except me and Mike. Bumping rocks and getting snagged here and there was about it for some time. I did get into on snag, popped my weight out, felt a fish on, thought WTF? Ok fish on, pop, well fish off. Slightly exciting, but pretty depressing at the same time. Finally after seeing fish get hooked all around us. I stick one around 1230. Took my sweet ass time with it. I really hate losing fish, especially when I'm hardly hooking into any at all. Being on a double with another fisherman, he lands his fish first and gets squared away, then after my 10+min fight I had going on, my fish swam right at him and basically into his net while he was walking back up river. That works! First of the day for me and its a bright 23-25lb buck. Super stoked about finally getting my fish, especially 30 mins before we were planning on leaving. Mike wanted to be out of there by 1300, but after seeing me get mine and the action started getting better just after 1200 we had to stay a little longer.

An old time regular out there let me in on a little secret and put me right in the zone for the perfect drift and told me don't move. Stay in that spot and you'll get one. Sure though 30 mins. later I stuck my second one and brought in my limit fish for the day. A brown hen pushing maybe 16-18lbs just guessing.

Put in some work for it but I got my limit and I am done.

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Stayed around until 1400 while Mike tried to get into one for himself. Got to help out and net another fisherman's fish for him since I wasn't fishing anymore figured I'd go and help out other anglers while I was there. Mike had a couple of maybe fish on's, fish off's, but we couldn't really tell for sure. Called it a day just after 1400 to make the drive back home.

Salmon in the oven, salmon on the smoker, roe in the cure, Mark is a happy camper and life is good. I've got no problems making the drive when its producing. Hopefully the bite in the valley will pick up though soon so I can save a bit of gas $$. For right now though I'm not complaining. Flossing has been the method of choice up here, encase you were wondering.

Till Next Time Guys

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