Thursday, August 8, 2013

Persistence Pays Off. FINALLY!!!

I know its still very early for the season, but for me this feels like its been a long time coming. Putting in now pretty close to I think 100 hours OTW this season alone, it has been a very slow start to the 2013 salmon season for me. Conditions have not been ideal, and regardless of the numerous skunks, I know that there are fish out there for the taking and there is no way in hell I'm just gonna let them swim by with out at least trying. Tuesday I finally took my boat out to the Sac with Ethan to give it a go and take a break from the disappointing American River. Dropped the boat in the water at Garcia's around 1730 and ran down to Freeport to join the jigging fleet. Man o man I have to say too the word is out. Fish are here, they are being caught and people know. For it being a Tuesday evening it was packed. I counted atleast 21 boats, I'm sure there were more, and all but 3 were drifting down the lane dropping jigs. Started at the top and worked our way down.

Saw a couple get caught here and talked to a few people and heard about a few more caught or lost here and there. Kept looking at my graph, but I wasn't marking any fish near me. I heard some boats talking around me calling out to there friends "I got 2 coming up!" Seems to me like the fish have been traveling in pairs or singles, not in massive
schools. Not sure if this is true or not, but its what it seemed like. Later in the evening around 1930 I had one short strike that I couldn't connect on. Threw in the towel around 2030 with another skunk to take home. Counting all of the fish I saw/heard of there must have been at least 15 hooked, probably more, half of which were landed. Highlight of the night was watching this 10 year old kid fighting a salmon that must have been 25 plus. Watched them chase the fish out to the middle of the river, saw the kid and his dad with the net make 20+ laps walking around the boat following it. Fight must have lasted 20 mins. when it came to an end when the kids 10b test line got wrapped in the ladder on the boat and the fish broke off. Sad ending, but seeing little kids hooking into fish is great.

Back again Wednesday 8/7/13, at least here I know fish are around and they are being caught so chances are still pretty good. Made a couple calls around, but everyone was busy so I ran solo. OTW just before 1700 today and hopped on down to the bridge to join the fleet for another chance at the King. One boat that launched at the same time I did that can run at probably 40 mph when I'm only doing 18 mph already had one by the time I got there. Got to be a good sign. I tend to be really happy when I see other people catching fish around me, makes me know that fish are here and biting so my chances are good, but going on 1800, 1900, seeing people catching fish all around me and I've yet to have a hit does get a little frustrating. I know it's just a chance game though and I have to just get lucky here.

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Picture of maybe half of the fleet working the lane tonight. Another easy 20+ boats out tonight.

I did notice that if someone up river caught a fish about half of the boats would pull up and go above em to hopefully catch the same school as they pass by. Well I'm observant and mama didn't raise no fool. I tried the same thing a few times and tonight I did actually mark several fish on the graph. Around 2000 I marked a couple fish on the graph that passed right by me with out touching my jig then a minute later I see a boat stick one. Well what have to got to lose lets move. Ran way up above them, another 60 yards above the rest of the fleet to make sure I catch the school and 2 mins. into the drift I feel my jig get grabbed on the fall. Wasn't a hard or a crazy hit, but I could tell it definitely wasn't bottom. Swung hard and immediately felt that fish pumping. FISH ON BABY!!! Fish came up quick just close enough for me to see the bright flash of silver in the water then made 2 fast and long runs. A good rod though and 50lb braid allowed me to get that fish back in pretty quick. Got the net around that bitch and let off a huge sigh of relief. Biggest thing I love about salmon is no matter how hard I've tried this whole season for skunk after skunk, a couple of lost fish, then getting skunked some more. This moment here makes it all worth it.

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And what a beautiful moment it is. Sat down sent out my picture text while I kept jigging for maybe another fish. 2015 though I looked it was getting dark I got a fish in the box and its going to be a mess at the ramp with everyone in line trying to pull out at the same time with only the one lane ramp. Me probably being a slowest boat out here too not a bad idea to get a head start. Called it a day there and made it back to the ramp to be 3 in line and still waited a half hour to get out of there. Frustrating watching a group of people struggling and taking 20 mins. to put their boat on the trailer, especially when it takes me 2 and I'm by myself! Its really not that hard people. Including my fish I probably saw/heard about close to 20 fish being hooked tonight as well. Not bad about 1 fish being hook per boat out there.

Made it back home safe and sound got a better picture with the fish and put it on the scale.

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She weighed in around 18lbs give or take after being bleed out. Now I've got some meat being marinated right now for my dinner tonight and more in the brine for my smoker tomorrow and even a bit of roe to top it all off. Life is good and you know I'll be back out later to do it all over again.

Till Next Time Guys

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