Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Squat and Rot 1/13/14

Got the Sturgeon fever hard, and I'm still dying for my keeper. Talked my dad into getting out in the first time in about 6 months. Old man is getting older. We got on the water around 0830 and headed for the powerlines. Graphed the area for a while and really didn't see much on the graph. Finally saw a few marks at the bottom of Decker. Didn't see any bigger marks, but its all we could find so lets try it for now. Dropped the pick and immediately started getting bit on everything, grass, ghost, roe, and shad. Just some aggressive nibbles though. Finally my dad sticks one on grass and takes the skunk off of the boat.

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Never seen a cat caught on grass before that was a new one.

Next thing I got a keeper striper in the boat on shad and another I got my limit of schoolies. Having a great day already. I was looking at the graph the whole time and I kept seeing one or two bigger marks on there so I know Mr. Sturg is down there, but the shaker stripers and cats were tearing up our bait so quick I don't think the sturgeon could get to it in time. After going through about 3/4 of out bait I made the call to move.

Looking for some more promising marks on the screen I graphed all of Sherman, everything in front of chain, up and down all of broad. It wasn't until pitts that I found anything at all on the graph. Its only my third trip out now, but I've never had to search the much to find em yet, maybe most of the fish moved up? Maybe I don't really know.

Dropped the baits in and waited for the big guy. We dropped in on the slack so we waited for the swing and got to fish the begging of the outgo. No shaker bites here, good sign. I get my first pump on roe, swing and a miss. 20 mins later I get a slam on shad, swing and my freaking rod snaps in half. It was an older rod my grandpa's friend passed down to me, no joke I think the rod is probably 40 years old I was probably just time for it. Down to one rod I stuck it out with roe hoping I'll get one more chance. Got my classic sturgeon pump, swung hard and home, felt the weight of the fish, then I took a step back tripped over my seat and feel on my ass and lost the fish in the process. 3rd strike I'm out.

DFW came by shortly after to check us. Really nice actually, checked our gear, tags, and my stripers, and went on their way. Told us we were the first boat they saw to even have a fish on board so that made us feel a little confident. Stuck it out for a while longer, but no more bites. Wind was picking up and we saw a big tanker coming in so we took off and headed for home. Good thing too cause the water was getting sloppy. Off of the water just after 1500. No sturgeon today, but still a great fantastic day on the water. Fish in the box, got to get outside, and I finally got my dad back on the water since the salmon season opener. Can't ask for much more for that. Sorry I didn't take more pictures for you guys. We all know what schoolies look like and there wasn't too much all the picture worthy today. Next trip I think I might venture up river towards cache to try and find some more fish.

Till Next Time Guys

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