Thursday, March 26, 2015

Striper Fishing 3/26/15

Had plans to fish this morning with my Coworker, but he had plans and had to
bail out so back at it solo again for another morning run. On the water just before 0630 and made it to the fishing grounds in prime time.

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Threw the wood right off of the bat and it took a little while, but I did manage to Katch myself an 18 incher.

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Kept throwing and I did get one more follower that swirled on my plug twice, but never got stuck. Played the run and gun game during prime time trying to find active fish that would be willing to get on my wood. On the run down I ran into Cptn. Craig and crew of Doug and Marv. Chatted with them for a quick minute, they said they hooked into a few nice fish. Cool to here they were having some good luck.

I kept pushing on trying to find active fish on top, but with blue bird skies above me today that window faded away very quickly.

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After my topwater window closed I slowed way down and hit some of my favorite points and worked em over with the jerkbait. I started getting hits pretty much right away. Got onto a small school of shakers and schoolies.

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My first keeper of the day.

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Kept working my way down looking for more fish after the action from my school died off. For about an hour I would find a fish here and find a fish there. Mostly bass though, but with a couple stripers mixed in.

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My heart break of the day I hooked into something decent on my jerkbait and shortly after the hookset I saw about a 5lb bass on the end of my line. I'm not targeting them, but that's a nice fish I would love to land anyday. Then the second after I saw him he turned and dove down then my line went slack. Damn, can't win em all.

After plugging for a while I tried slow trolling some swimbaits around a few area's that I knew were fairly productive. The action wasn't hot, but I did manage to get a few bites.

Can't resist the CALabama rig!

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Another bass that was willing to play today

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Catching stripers with Jack.

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Headed back in a call it a day around 1230. The sun was taking a beating on me, man was it hot out there today.

Still a little slow, but I did a lot better then Tuesday that's for sure.

Till Next Time

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