Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sacramento River Salmon 7/28/11

Yesterday morning I was just relaxing at home watching tv. At 0930 my dad walks in and says "Mark where is your scale?!?!?!" I already knew why he wanted it. He went out and busted his first salmon of the season.

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Put him on the scale and weighed him out to be 17.68lbs. My dad got him up above Garica's Bend caught on our spinners we make ourselfs. I should also mention that my dad has tried to find a way to make salmon fishing more interesting for him so he has been using his trout rod with 4lb test on it. He said the fight took him over a half hour to land him. Took him all up and down and across the river, almost lost him a few times to floating logs coming down the river and drifting into his line. Determination paid off though and with 4lb test all on his own he landed it.

Back out again this morning to the same spot and I came with him this time. On the water at 0700. Around 0830 we see and few salmon jump and my dad said yesterday when he hooked up it was the second cast after he saw one boil. Very next cast after we saw the splash both of our spinners were right in the strike zone and in perfect sink both of our spinners stopped and we both set the hook. We look at each other's rods to see if were hooked up or just on another rock. I bring mine in and I just has a stick on, but my dad's rod starts pumping and he has a fish on.

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Didn't fight much at first, we both kinda thought it might have been bass or something, but it came up to the surface jumped clear out of the water and we could tell it was a small jack. May have been a small fish but man I could tell with my dad using 4lb test it was still a blast. Got him in and threw that bad boy in the cooler.

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This fish ended up weighing 5.35lbs

We stayed another hour to see if my dad could get his limit or if I could stick one but nothing else happened. Salmon were still jumping here and there but we couldn't get anymore to bite.

Nothing for me today, but this is only my 3rd trip out and its still very early in the season. Just got to keep on trying.

Till Next Time Guys

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Deer Creek Resevoir (Lower Scotts Flat) 7/25/11

I wanted to get out and try for some trout today. I was talking to Garrett on where to go and my first plan was to hike up the desolation wilderness to hit some of the mountain lakes for brookies, but Garrett didn't like the sound of that long walk up the mountain, so he convinced me to go out to Scotts Flat Lake. We and got my other friend Brian today so I couldn't bring my toon, but we all had a float tube and decided that it would be the perfect way to go today.

We arrive at the lower lake (Deer Creek Resevoir) at 1200 and I step out of the car and find a nice looking tree to mark, and as I turn around I noticed Garrett was already gone. I asked Brian where he went and he said he already took his rod down to the water. Kid wasted no time on that one. about a minute later he comes walking back up with this.

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He went down and got one on his 4th cast throwing a white crappie jig. After seeing that Brian grabbed his rod and took off to get one too. I stay at the car and just pump up my float tube and get all of that ready. I walk down later to see Brian still fishless, but I can see fish following his jig on every cast, they just weren't committing to it. I try throwing a jig with a drop of pro cure on it to make it more delicious for the fish, but like Brian I could only get them to follow it, not take it. After seeing that, down with the jig and time for another lure.

I pick up one of my personal favorite trout lures the Super Duper and I stick one on the first cast.

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Looks like hardware is the way to go for me today. I get one more from the bank then I launch the float tube to get out to some more fish. (I didn't take any pictures on the tube cause of the fear of my phone taking a dip so sorry about that).

While Garrett and Brian are pumping up their tubes they throw out a couple of bait poles. Needless to say they were getting bit so often it was over an hour before they got on their tubes and onto the water. Brian was just doing rainbow powerbait on the bottom and Garret had a powerworm and some powerbait on a 1/16th ounce jig head under a bobber. I thought it was kind of a weird set up but you know it was working and thats all that mattered.

For me out on the tube I just had to see some surfacing make a cast and fish on. Before Garrett got out I already had caught and released close to 15 trout, and when Brian finally got out a bit later I had completely lost count. I stuck with the super duper. Garrett tried a kastmaster and Brian was throwing a roostertail. Everything was working.

We fished for the next 3 hours to get close to 80 or so fish between the three of us. After that we decided to go up to the main lake and see if we can get on some bass. Long story short on that one, lots of wind and lots of water skiers didn't make for good conditions. Garrett did manage to get 3 smallies though on a tube about 8-10 inches each, Brian hooked one on a banjo minnow, and I couldn't even get a bite throwing tubes and robo worms. With the bass bite not being on like we thought it would be we deflated the tubes and back to deer creek we went.

Its now evening and trout were boiling everywhere, always a cool sight. Garrett started tossing flies to do something a little different.

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And guess what? that worked pretty well too.

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He was tossing I believe a pheasant tail nymph and having great success with it. Brian stuck with bait and I think found his inner child with fishing with a bobber the whole time. He did pretty well with it too.

I shot a video of Brian getting a fish, but I have not the slightest clue on how to get it on here, so I'll try to figure it out and post it up here asap for you guys to see.

We fished until dark, caught and released easily over 100 fish between the 3 of us, and topped off our limits for a nice fish fry to look forward to at home. First time for me at this lake and I must say I love it and will be back soon for sure

Till Next Time Guys

Friday, July 15, 2011

7/14/11 A day at BLOWdega

Had my day off and decided to go out to bodega for the day. I took Deni and my friends Garrett and Jazzy. Right when we got there BLOWdega lived up to its name with wind gusting like freaking crazy. I bought myself a spear with the intentions of jumping in the water and trying my hand at some spear fishing at the first time. The water was warm enough for me to jump in without a wetsuit, but the wind chill was too much for me, so I stayed out of the water, plus the water clarity was just horrible.

We got on the Jetti around 1300 and Garrett and I tried for Rock fish while Jazzy and Deni tried for some crab. Garret and I threw swimbaits, tubes, jigs, grubs, and even squid and couldn't even buy a bite. I was hoping deni and jazzy could get some red or rock crab since I know dungie season is closed, but I'll tell you the dungies knew that the season for them was closed. Tossing the snares straight down into the rocks Jazzy and Deni managed 4 massive dungies!!!

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These guys must have been 7 inches across. I couldn't get them this big during the season! It hurt to have to throw them all back. To make things worse, they didn't even get a single red or rock crab. Oh well though lots of fun and Jazzy's first time crabbing and she had a lot fun doing it.

After that though Garrett and I needed to get on some fish, so we left the jetti and went over next to the coast guard station to try for some rock fish there. We get there though and our rocks that are normally exposed by this time are still a foot underwater. I pull my phone out to re-check my handy dandy tide app and forgot to noticed the first time I checked that the low tide is 2.77ft. Not really much of a low tide at all, but you don't pick your days off and you don't control mother nature, so we had to make due with what we got. Garrett and I waded out to throw grubs and tubes a long the rocks. Garrett managed 1 small 4 inch rock fish but that was it.

So with the rock fish not biting Garrett and I joined Deni and Jazzy at poke poling for some eels. Lots and lots of small eels to show for our efforts.

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Kept the few that were big enough to get some meat off of.

With the high low tide we didn't have a lot of time to poke pole, but it was fun while we had the time. We left there around 1800 and before heading home Garrett got a tip from a friend about a pier in Lucas warf that was good for sharks and rays so we went over there to try for a little bit. We fish it for an hour with squid and Garret had 3 massive hits and I had one but all were missed. Will have to go there again and try again with some more time.

Our day ended there with 6 eels to go home with. Awesome to be back out to the Bay again, I have fallen in love with this place. I want to start coming more often and I'm debating on getting myself a wetsuit and getting into spear fishing and ab diving soon, we'll see what happenes with that.

In the mean time Salmon season is tomorrow and you know I'm gonna be out there =)

Till next Time Guys

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Couple more days on the American River

I keep trying for my keeper Striper on the AR. I went out in the AM 7/2/11. Picked up Garrett and met Daryl on the water at 0515. Right when we got there stripers were jumping a bit. Casting the spook I could get anything close enough to where I was to hit. I walk up river 50 yards or so with Garrett where we see more crashing close to the bank. I throw the spook out there and Garrett tosses his swim bait. On my first cast I get 3 mice blow ups, but the fish missed the lure every time.

After fishing a while longer Garrett manages a small shaker on his swim bait. Nothing else happened that morning though.

Back out again this morning 7/3/11. Got Garrett and we got out on the water earlier today 0430. I myself was so exhausted and tired from helping my friends move all day and night the day before so I sat down on my ass waiting for the stripers to start jumping. Garrett is out tossing his swim bait though. He had a small light attach to his hat I gave him and I told him to shine it on the water in front of him and the stripers will come right to him. 5 mins later Garrett was reeling his lure in and it got 5 ft from the bank and I see him set the hook and then his swim bait come flying out of the water.

He said holy crap that was a bite! He flipped his bait back out just 10 ft from the bank and right when it hit the water BAM! He was hooked up. I ran over to help and right off of the bat Garrett has a keeper striper.

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Nice 21 incher. After seeing that I got off my ass and throw out a swim bait. Nothing happened with that, but shortly after they start jumping so get my spook out there. I end up getting two blow ups and hooking up on both but losing the fish after a 3 second fight. This is getting kind of ridiculous. I've lost so many fish recently on spooks after a 2 or 3 second fight. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if its just the hooks not landing right. Garrett keeps telling me you get a better hook up if you take the middle of the 3 hooks off of the super spook. I don't understand how that would make sense but I'm willing to try it now.

Garrett managed another nice little shaker on the swim bait again of course.

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Called it a day from there. Gonna try to get out again 2maro. We'll see what happens.

Till Next Time Guys