Friday, July 15, 2011

7/14/11 A day at BLOWdega

Had my day off and decided to go out to bodega for the day. I took Deni and my friends Garrett and Jazzy. Right when we got there BLOWdega lived up to its name with wind gusting like freaking crazy. I bought myself a spear with the intentions of jumping in the water and trying my hand at some spear fishing at the first time. The water was warm enough for me to jump in without a wetsuit, but the wind chill was too much for me, so I stayed out of the water, plus the water clarity was just horrible.

We got on the Jetti around 1300 and Garrett and I tried for Rock fish while Jazzy and Deni tried for some crab. Garret and I threw swimbaits, tubes, jigs, grubs, and even squid and couldn't even buy a bite. I was hoping deni and jazzy could get some red or rock crab since I know dungie season is closed, but I'll tell you the dungies knew that the season for them was closed. Tossing the snares straight down into the rocks Jazzy and Deni managed 4 massive dungies!!!

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These guys must have been 7 inches across. I couldn't get them this big during the season! It hurt to have to throw them all back. To make things worse, they didn't even get a single red or rock crab. Oh well though lots of fun and Jazzy's first time crabbing and she had a lot fun doing it.

After that though Garrett and I needed to get on some fish, so we left the jetti and went over next to the coast guard station to try for some rock fish there. We get there though and our rocks that are normally exposed by this time are still a foot underwater. I pull my phone out to re-check my handy dandy tide app and forgot to noticed the first time I checked that the low tide is 2.77ft. Not really much of a low tide at all, but you don't pick your days off and you don't control mother nature, so we had to make due with what we got. Garrett and I waded out to throw grubs and tubes a long the rocks. Garrett managed 1 small 4 inch rock fish but that was it.

So with the rock fish not biting Garrett and I joined Deni and Jazzy at poke poling for some eels. Lots and lots of small eels to show for our efforts.

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Kept the few that were big enough to get some meat off of.

With the high low tide we didn't have a lot of time to poke pole, but it was fun while we had the time. We left there around 1800 and before heading home Garrett got a tip from a friend about a pier in Lucas warf that was good for sharks and rays so we went over there to try for a little bit. We fish it for an hour with squid and Garret had 3 massive hits and I had one but all were missed. Will have to go there again and try again with some more time.

Our day ended there with 6 eels to go home with. Awesome to be back out to the Bay again, I have fallen in love with this place. I want to start coming more often and I'm debating on getting myself a wetsuit and getting into spear fishing and ab diving soon, we'll see what happenes with that.

In the mean time Salmon season is tomorrow and you know I'm gonna be out there =)

Till next Time Guys

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