Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sacramento River Salmon 7/28/11

Yesterday morning I was just relaxing at home watching tv. At 0930 my dad walks in and says "Mark where is your scale?!?!?!" I already knew why he wanted it. He went out and busted his first salmon of the season.

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Put him on the scale and weighed him out to be 17.68lbs. My dad got him up above Garica's Bend caught on our spinners we make ourselfs. I should also mention that my dad has tried to find a way to make salmon fishing more interesting for him so he has been using his trout rod with 4lb test on it. He said the fight took him over a half hour to land him. Took him all up and down and across the river, almost lost him a few times to floating logs coming down the river and drifting into his line. Determination paid off though and with 4lb test all on his own he landed it.

Back out again this morning to the same spot and I came with him this time. On the water at 0700. Around 0830 we see and few salmon jump and my dad said yesterday when he hooked up it was the second cast after he saw one boil. Very next cast after we saw the splash both of our spinners were right in the strike zone and in perfect sink both of our spinners stopped and we both set the hook. We look at each other's rods to see if were hooked up or just on another rock. I bring mine in and I just has a stick on, but my dad's rod starts pumping and he has a fish on.

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Didn't fight much at first, we both kinda thought it might have been bass or something, but it came up to the surface jumped clear out of the water and we could tell it was a small jack. May have been a small fish but man I could tell with my dad using 4lb test it was still a blast. Got him in and threw that bad boy in the cooler.

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This fish ended up weighing 5.35lbs

We stayed another hour to see if my dad could get his limit or if I could stick one but nothing else happened. Salmon were still jumping here and there but we couldn't get anymore to bite.

Nothing for me today, but this is only my 3rd trip out and its still very early in the season. Just got to keep on trying.

Till Next Time Guys

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