Friday, August 26, 2011

Boating Salmon on the Sac 8/25/11

My buddy Brian told me he got his boat back from the shop and was ready to try for some salmon, so I meet up with him on my day off and got out on the water. We launched from Garcia's Bend at 0545 and took off for the honey hole. We get out there and we anchor just below my usual honey hole I fish from the bank. Anchoring down far enough for people I knew that were coming out to still have room to fish without us being in their way. We dropped kwikfish in the water at 0600 with a good bunch of sardine pro-cure super gel coating on it instead of your usual sardine wrap, works just as good in my opinion, and started the waiting game. Brian had 2 K-15 Kwik fish out, one silver with a chartuse tip and another silver with red tiger stripes. I drop down a K-15 silver kwikfish with the chartuse tip and use my other rod to toss my spinners.

Thought I would take a picture of my spinner for those of you who haven't seen them.

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This is one of my spinners that I make. I make them with Silver and Gold blades. Silver has been doing better for me recently, but thats also all I've been using this year. Main unique thing my spinners have that others don't is the hammered blade with the dimples in it. My dad and I believe it puts off more vibration and more flash producing more strikes, maybe it does maybe it doesn't, either way it works for me.

Picture of my salmon tray.

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So were there fishing I notice 3 other anglers I knew came down to fish off of the bank. I was too far for them to recodnize me so I just watched them from a far to see how they were doing. 0715 I see one of them lands a jack. Good sign I know salmon are still here. I'm really hoping to get Brian on a salmon. He hasn't caught one since he was 5 when his dad took him out with a guide so he has some catching up to do. We keep trying the honey hole until 0900 and nothing else happened. Around this time I usually give up on this hole because its so shallow, so we pulled anchor and went in search of hopefully some more productive water.

We ran down river and anchored in Freeport just below the bridge. As were going down I notice someone else is anchored right where I wanted to be, kinda bummed about that, but Brian and I looked at the fish finder and noticed we just came over a drop off from 18ft that dropped down to 30ft and we were marking fish in the deeper pocket, so we looked at eachother and said screw it lets try right here. Dropped anchor and got to fishing. I didn't feel like tossing my spinner anymore so I dropped a K-14 silver body chartuse tipped kwikfish out on my other rod.

Sat back and just relaxed. I had never salmon fished like this is was nice. I had never actually caught a salmon on a kwikfish before, but I knew it was effective. I've been doing it off of the bank and have been getting bites, but I haven't landed anything doing it yet. I know what the bite looks like though and its massive. After a while Brian dozes off and I'm just messing around with some rope practicing my knots just waiting to catch the bite in the corner of my eye.

After a while I look up at all of the rods and I noticed my rod with the K-14 on it is bouncing a little harder then the normal wobble a kwikfish does. It almost looks like a little small mouth is on there and just thrashing around, so just encase I pick up my rod and set the hook. As I set the hook I notice my line is now across the boat over all of the other lines and headed for the middle of the river. I reel down feel alittle bit of weight, but no head shakes or anything. I gain 20 yards of line before I feel my first thump of a head shake then I knew a fish was on so I yelled at Brain to wake up and get the net. He heard me woke up and had the net ready all in about 3 seconds. Even though he was sleeping he was ready, I was impressed.

Fish got tangled up in some lines but I worked around them and we got the fish in.

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Another nice Jack for me.

Now I really don't want to complain about catching fish, but this is my 4th Jack I have caught now this season. I know there are 20lbers out there, I've seen guys catch them right next to me! All of these little fish seem to like me though. Its still better then a skunk though. Fish was caught @ 1040.

We stick it out here until 1200 trying to get one for Brian, but we didn't have anymore luck. We took a ride up to old Sac for some lunch and after that Brian was dieing to go and check out disco. I didn't care to fish in a line of 20 other boats, but Brian didn't want to go back to the ramp without a fish of his own, so we go up there and sure enough I counted 18 boats out there trying. I did actually see one of them was hooked up when we passed.

We made a couple passes just looking at our electronics for fish or promising spots. We find some shade and just decide do try there to stay out of the sun. 20 mins into it there a salmon rolled right next to us. Good sign. We fish until 1500 though for nothing and decide to call it quits from there. Brian was passed out again and I was starting to fall asleep. Since no one was awake to watch the rods I told Brian it was time to give it up and try again another day.

Good day on the water though and I've now got my first salmon off of a boat and my first one on a kwikfish. I could get into this lazy fishing for salmon. Sure is a heck of a lot easier then tossing spinners all damn day long.

Till Next Time Guys

Monday, August 15, 2011

Salmon and Stripers? on The Sac 8/15/11

Back out to the Honey Hole again today with my dad. Got on the water at 0620 and as we roll up we see our friends Lucas and David following right behind us. We set up and I get a Kwikfish out before I start casting my spinner. I thought about it a while ago I have a second rod stamp might as well use it. Plus getting salmon is hard enough might as well double my chances at getting one. After that we all start casting waiting for the prime bite times. My dad and I have noticed that there are usually 2 prime times when we usually catch fish. That is right at 0653 and any where from 0815-0830. Before today I have seen 3 other fish caught right at 0653 on the exact minute. No idea why, but I'm not going to argue with it.

0645 rolled around and I warned everyone its almost 0653 guys be ready for it someone is gonna get one. Few minutes later my dad sets the hook on something but he and everyone knew it wasn't anything special. Pulled his spinner up and there is a 4 inch striper on there that nailed his spinner. We asked him if he wanted a picture for proof of his trophy catch, but he said he didn't want proof of that worthless fish. As he is taking the fish off of the hook our buddy David tossing a number 5 chartuse Blue Fox sets the hook and says fish on!!!

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He hooks up I look at my phone and what do you know? Its 0653. 4th fish now caught right on this very minute of the day. Got to love a bite that is that consistent.

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Fight lasted about 15 minutes. We got his fish landed and put her on the scale. Ended up being a nice chrome 19lb hen. After that we were all happy that there was a fish right on the expected minute, so we were expecting to get at least one more around the 0830 bite time, but we're perfectly fine with getting one sooner then that. Cast after cast goes by, 0800 comes by and we all get ready and before you know it my spinner stops and I set the hook into a fish. Look at the clock its 0805, a little early from the usual bite time, but I'm not complaining. My fish was a smaller jack. Small, but still a salmon and I'm happy about it. Got him in in about 3 minutes.

Now My dad has been saying conditions are good enough that someone should be getting a limit either today or sometime soon. As I land my fish, I literally popped the hook out of its mouth and David yells fish on again! Hell yea David is getting his limit baby! I walk down to the water to put my fish on the stringer and I hear David yell "ITS A F#%kING STRIPER!!!" I look over and sure enough David has a nice striper on that hit his Blue Fox.

We land his fish after a quick fight and were all just baffled at his odd catch, but hey I know I would take it any day.

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David with both of his fish. His Striper ended up being 7lbs and 27 inches long. Man David is Living large today. Damn near 20lb salmon and a legal striper, day doesn't get much better then that. We stick it out and keep trying until 0930. I end up getting a 12 inch small mouth bass for my efforts, but no more salmon, or stripers for that matter.

Get home and snap a pic of my smaller fish.

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Ended up being about 6 1/2lbs. Still not the 20lber I'm looking for, but I'll take a jack any day rather then take a skunking.

Season is still early hopefully there are many more amazing days on the water to come.

Till Next Time Guys.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jack on The Sac. 8/4/11

Went out to the honey hole again this morning for another crack at Mr. Salmon. Woke up to find my dad sleeping away, too bad for him snooze you lose. I went out the door and got on the water at 0630. Met our buddy Lucas out on the water. Conditions were a bit different today, A little bit windy and overcast. I didn't like it but it doesn't mean the fish wont bite. I was looking for that first fish within a couple of cast today but that didn't happen. 20 mins go by though and Lucas sets the hook into a fish.

0650 and Lucas sticks and lands a small Jack.

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Only took him about a minute to land. With Lucas using 30lb braid that small fish wasn't going no where.

We kept on fishing, Lucas missed a few more hits and I didn't get anything. Still cool to see fish get caught though. I fished until 0900 and called it quits. Never seen much happen at this spot after 0830. Lucas stayed out a while longer. Haven't heard anything from him so I'm assuming he didn't get anything else.

Another good day on the water. Got to keep trying, I want to break that 20lb mark.

Till Next Time Guys

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

First Salmon of The Seaon Baby. 08/2/11

My buddy Jeremy told me he had this Tuesday off and said he was ready to get on some salmon, so I meet him this morning at Freeport and showed him out to our spot my dad and I fish. We got on the water around 0650 and started tossing our spinners. This spot is cool because its shallow enough we don't have to use any weights with the spinners. Also its cool because of the shallow water you know when fish move though they are going to see your lures no matter what.

We get on the water at 0650 and I start throwing my spinner, I'm using one with a silver blade this morning. Jay has a pink Flying C on with a gold blade. About my 5th cast into it only my third crank on the reel my spinner gets whacked, I set the hook and fish on baby!

Hooked up right away barely 5 mins into the day man life is good. 10 min or so fight I and landed that bad boy.

A nice 15lb Hen to start the season with.

I walk up to my car to grab some rope for a stringer and as I'm looking through my car I hear Jay swing his rod and make a deep sigh. I turn around and asked him what happened and his exact words was "Crap man my world just got rocked!" Same thing that happened to me happened to him. Got hit right after the first reel, he just missed it.

Slightly after that Jay switched over to a Chartuse Flying C with Chartuse/silver blade, and not maybe another 30 mins. later Jay sets the hook and he is hooked up this time. He said it was a small fish but a fish is a fish and more importantly a Salmon is a Salmon! or is it??? His fish comes up and it's back is a very strange greenish color. I take a closer look and I can see that that's no Salmon. Jay busted a Steelhead!!!

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Something I've never seen on the Sac, my dad said he has caught one Steelie once in 20 years of fishing for salmon on the Sac. Very rare catch and way cool to see. Close to a 4lb chromer steelie on a flying C too.

Let the fish go to be caught another day and we keep trying for our target fish. We keep trying and we hit rocks after rocks setting the hook on everything even some little smallies are slapping our spinners. Jay gets a good hit though a bit further out and there is another fish on!

Jay is hooked up again and its deinfatly a salmon this time. Pretty amazing 3 fish in one day 1 being a steelhead. After another 10 min fight or so we land Jay's fish.

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Jay's fish ended up being a 20lber.

We fished until 0930 before we called it a day. Pretty damn good day if you ask me. Loaded everything up and threw the salmon cooler, realized I need a bigger cooler.

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Got home and showed off my fish to my dad.

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Cleaned my fish and got everything packaged and ready to go for some friends who I promise salmon too.

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Had some nice roe in her too.

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Good day on the water today. Jeremy's first salmon in years and first Steelie we've ever seen on the Sac, can't ask much more for that.

Till Next Time Guys.