Friday, November 11, 2011

3 day report 11/9-11/11

I got 3 days off of work this week and I had a lot of fishing I wanted to do. Day one off, Wednesday 11/9/11 my dad and I had an itch for some crab so we took off for Doran beach to hopefully get on some Dungies. I got Deni to come a long with us too. Got to the Jetty around 1230 and set out on the killer rock hopping journey out to where we decided to set up camp. Got out to the spot and threw our snares out. I got some new crabhawks too that I wanted to try. I normally fish the inside of the Jetty, but today the current was just too much. With 7 ounces on my crabhawk it was still drifting. I had to use 12 ounces to get the trap to hold.

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Had to deal with the kelp all day.

I kept trying and I eventually ended up getting one nice sized Red Crab.

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We kept at it though and none of us were able to bring anything else up. I looked around at other fellow fisherman and I only saw 1 guy out of 10 that had one keeper, so it was slow all around.

Low tide came around though and you know we have to go over and do some poke poling. We pack up shop to move over to our rocks that we can poke pole in. We show up and my dad just throws out some bait for rock fish, I try throwing a white tube, and Deni puts some squid on to poke pole for the eels. I'm still tieing up and Deni walks over with her first eel before I've even gotten in the water.

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Deni is the poke pole queen man 5 mins. go by and she has already landed 3 eels. I finally get in the water and after doing a bit of fan casting I manage to land a nice rock fish.

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My dad was also trying to toss lures for some rock fish too. Throwing a 3 inch white power grub on a 1/8th ounce jig head he hooks into something that peels off about 30 yards of line from him and puts up one hell of a fight. After about a 5 min fight though the fish buries himself into the kelp and my dad's 4lb test line snapped when trying to pull him out of there. Damn the old man is crazy for trying that light line out here around all of these rocks and weeds.

My dad and I kept trying but we never got any more rockfish to bite, so I decided to put some squid on and join Deni in the search for the eels. I get there and she is catching more eels, small rock fish, and even some small crabs left and right.

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I on the other hand though with a half hour of trying I only managed one eel that was about 5 inches long. Not much to brag about. Deni was defiantly winning here.

While all of this was going on I had my crab hawk out to try and get some more crab to take home. I managed a few more red crab and this spider crab.

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Man these things are creepy looking. Everyone tells me you can eat them, but you know I just don't think he looks very appetizing. Back in the water he goes! I eventually try another spot with the crab hawk and I finally get a dungie! He ended up being like an 1/8th of a inch too short though. Damn, but hey! Good sign I know where they are at. I throw the trap back out in hopes of getting a keeper. While I was waiting on that I was bummed because I realized I might have just found the crab and the sun is going down and we have to leave soon.

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Some sunset shots.

Well I better hope I make the last few minutes count. I haul in my trap and pray for some keepers.

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This was all I got though

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Trap is full is dungies, but oh my god they are so small. Every time I brought the trap in it was full of these guys, and no keepers.

Kept trying, but never got a keeper. Guess I have to wait until the bigger guys move in closer before I can start getting them off of the jetty.

Got home and got all of the eels Deni caught out to clean em up.

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You know I absolutely love eating these guys I think they are delicious, but I am over cleaning them. Filleting them out and skinning them is a pain in the ass. Especially because they are so hardy they are usually alive after a 3 hour car ride home in the cooler full of ice, and I'll tell you they are not happy once you lay them down on the cutting board.

Still though great day on the water. Felt good to get some salt back into the system. I'll be looking out for when the crab move closer in until I come back though.

Day two 11/10/11

I had plans to do some moonlight fishing tonight with Deni, but what to do until then? Go fishing of course!!! Deni had school so I called up my friend Adam and asked if he wanted to go and see if the Stripers were biting. He of course said yes, so I packed up the toon and took of for the Sacramento Port.

Got on the water around 1200 and started setting up for my slow swimbait troll. While we were setting up I saw a boat troll right by us and land a 20 incher using a rebel. Good sign, should mean fish are on the chew. We get trolling a long I'm using my usual 5 inch white fish trap and Adam decided to try to troll a white bucktail jig with a 6 inch curly tail grub trailer. We get up to one of my land marks I usually always stick some fish at and Adam's rod doubles over and his drag starts singing. Fish on baby! Fish peels off 20 yards of line, I grab the net Adam gets him probably 10ft away from the boat, just out of sight, and the hook comes loose. Major disappointment. Knew it was a good fish too. Just wish we could have seen it though.

We make a few more passes throughout the same area, but we never get another bite. With Stripers not biting as well as I'd like I decide to head over to another area and try to salvage the afternoon with some black bass.

I get over to a small cove I think looks good. I start off with a texas rigged creature bait, just because thats what has always worked well for me here before, but I had a crank bait tied on another rod just to be ready, because I just had a feeling today might be a cranking day.

I toss the soft bait around for a while without a bite. I can see some weeds and water moving around though so I know there is fish in here. I pick up the crankbait and make a few cast in there. Sure enough second cast in I stick one.

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Adam switches over to a crankbait and we start going to town.

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A nice double we got

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aggressive little guy.

I even managed to get my shaker striper

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I ended up with 5 and one striper and Adam got 3. We ran out of fishable water due to weedy shallow water that crankbaits don't mix well with. I tried a fluke and some top water, but nothing else was working. We trolled back to the ramp for nothing else and called it a day from there.

Stripers weren't biting like I hoped, but man can't complain with the bassin action. Tons of fun.

Day 3 11/11/11 (or night 2 of 11/10/11)

I went to pick up Deni and with the full moon high up in the sky we were off to Amador for some night time fishing. Dropped the toon off at home and picked up the boat. Got on the water at 2200 and headed over towards the north shore. We got over to the shore and we started hearing fish jumping everywhere. Fish were jumping every 5 seconds and as close as 2 ft away from the boat. I was actually able spot light some trout cruising in the surface using my flash light. Very cool being able to see them out there cruising at night.

This time I remembered to get some glow in the dark jigs. Deni and I both were tossing em out at fish splashing close enough for us to cast too. Both of us were getting bites here and there I ended up losing one within the first 30 mins of us being there. With my second rod I decided to throw out some powerbait under a bobber just to increase my chances a little bit. I cast the rod out, put it in the rod holder, pick up my other rod, and once I turn away from my bait rod I hear the drag on it singing. Hot damn I've got a fish on already. Atleast I know powerbait will work.

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Shortly after Deni manages to stick one on the glow jig

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We keep at it missing some here and there. Deni manages one more on the jig and I get one more on power eggs.

0130 rolls around and were both exhausted. I take the boat to the back of the lake we toss out some bait rods and catch some ZZZ's. It drizzled on us a little bit, but other then that it was a beautiful night.

Morning came around and since I had the boat I had to see what jackson looked like. Went back saw the water was even lower then the last time I went. Turned around and took off. I wanted to try some trolling, but with it being a holiday there must have been another 20 boats out on the water and I didn't feel like dealing with them, so I decided to pull the boat out of the water and just fish off of the dam for a little bit.

Saw my friend Jay and his girl friend down there fishing so we decided to join them. They said the had a few on bait, but nothing much yet. Deni took notice to all of the bluegills hanging around the dam and I told her I could set her up to catch them if she wanted. Sure enough she did so I gave here a size 12 hook with a small piece of a power worm on the end of it and she went to town on the blue gills.

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Nothing really big, but she had a blast catching dozens of these guys. I tried throwing jigs and floating some powerbait on the surface. I get a few hits on the powerbait, but I never stuck anything. Kept fishing until about 1200 and decided to head home from there.

Never got any trout in the morning, but going out at night was a blast.

It was a great night on the water and has been a great three days of fishing from sea to lake. Couldn't ask for anything better. Back to work 2maro, will have to push though the next grind till my next day(s) off.

Till next time Guys

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