Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Camanche South Shore Trout Pond 11/30/11

Original plan was to wake up early-ish to go back out to the Delta and give sturgeon another try. Was watching the news last night and saw that the weather was switching from fog to wind. Told my dad about the weather change and he nor I wanted to be out on the Delta in the Tracker in 35 mph winds gust, so instead of going out to Rio Vista we decided to hit the Trout Pond for the first time this year. I've been seeing that its been planted a few times this year, but haven't heard anything from it yet. Figured it was time to go out and see how it was doing.

We got on the water around 1300. Saw one guy out on his raft drifting around and 4 other bank anglers. Not to many people and they all left about an hour after we got there, so we basically had it all to ourselfs. Probably not a good sign that there weren't a lot of people, but my dad and I hate crowds anyways so were happy about it. As we were setting up We both saw a small trout jump about 40ft off of the bank. Good sign, knew there were fish here and they were on the surface. I really wanted to do my usual bobber set ups, but with the wind it just wasn't gonna work. My dad threw bait out on the bottom and was casting his rapala's. I tried the bobbers anyways, but the wind was just blowing them all over the place.

Needless to say I lost confidence in this and I got bored, so like I do when I usually get bored at the pond I grab my UL rod and my jig box and walk around the pond looking for cruisers. I walked around doing some fan cast here and there, but never got anything. I saw a few of these bouys around the pond.

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Something new. I don't know if you guys can read it or not but it says "Caution weed suppression blanket." Besides maybe a major snag I don't see why I need to be cautioned about it, but the idea seems sweet don't have to worry about the weeds as much anymore. Definitely makes a lot more water fishable providing more room for bank anglers and less snags.

Kept walking around the pond and finally I saw a few fish cruising next to the bank.

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Hard to see I know, but believe me they are there. I was throwing my jigs at em, I had one swing by and take a sniff at my jig, but I couldn't get one to commit. I Kept trying for about a half hour for nothing. I thought I needed something more enticing for them, luckily I had a secret weapon.

Ran back to the truck and grabbed this.

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One of the trout I kept from Amador yesterday had some roe in her. I bought some Pautzt's Fire Cure for my next salmon I caught, but that never happened, so I thought what the hell I can cure the trout roe and use that for something. I don't fish for Steelies and Salmon are a little too Dark now for me. I thought it would work great here instead.

By the time I came back though the fish I saw were gone. I scanned the banks looking for em and I found a school of about 10 fish circling around, even better. I free lined the roe right in the middle of the school. I had some come right up to it, but they wouldn't go for it right away. I tried doing a slow retrieve through the school, some followed and they got a little more aggressive, but they still wouldn't take it. Then I tried dragging it a long the surface of the water and I had 4 of them rise for it like a dry fly, but they all missed it. I tossed it back one more time and I felt a pick up on the line. I counted to 3 and set the hook fish on!

Guy put up a good fight, but I won in the end.

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Beautiful fish, I forgot how pretty Mt. Lassen fish were. The color on these fish are incredible.

Unfortunately he broke me off when I got him on the bank and I had to re-tie my egg loop knot and by the time I got that done and re-baited my school was gone.

I walked back over to my dad and I saw another school of about 20 fish swimming around. I threw the roe in there, they didn't want anything to do with it. Then I tried my jig and not even a single looker. I looked and one of those black birds with the name that I can't spell to save my life was hot on their asses. These fish were scared for their life's, so yea food was not the first thing on their mind.

Needless to say I couldn't get anymore bites after that. Got a new phone recently, thought I'd see how well the camera is on it.

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My usual resident ducks. The one on the top left my dad and I have actually named Grandpa because of his white feathers that make him look a little older then the others. He along with the other ducks have been here for years except for the female duck in the middle she became a new resident last year. Shows how much my dad and I fish the trout pond, we have names for and recognize the ducks in the pond.

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Resident Pelican

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Windy Pond

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My Dad checking his bait.

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Birds getting ready to roost up for the night.

Ended the day at sunset. My dad said he had a bite on a Kastmaster and that was it for him. Pond still needs a few more plants to get going, or a few less birds for that matter. Seems like me and other animals recently just aren't getting a long.

Conditions with the wind today weren't great, but it was good to see the pond again and it was great to get out as always.

Till Next Time Guys

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