Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Amador 11/27/12

Took my dad out on the boat to do some trolling around the lake and make my first day trip of the season to the lake. Got on the water around 0730 to see probably 20+ boats on the water and plenty of bank anglers. Started our troll my with a grub and my dad with his Rapala's we worked our way out of the crowds and towards the mouth of Jackson and Doney bay we found a lot more surfacing fish here, but they just didn't want to bite. We trolled through them a couple of times and even tried drifting bait and tossing lures through them a few times, but we just could not get any of them to bite.

With these fish not wanting to touch any of our offerings we took off in search of some biting fish. Since we were here we had to venture back into Jackson to see how the creek was. Man I thought it was low last year, but man this area is a whole new world with the lower water level.

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Met Kevin back here, there were a few fish jumping around here. Yet again though they just weren't biting. Out we go and it was off to check out mountain springs where my dad and I did pretty good last year. Nothing back here either, but there were some rising near the mouth of the arm at least there are some fish around. We gave up the hopes of finding a school to cast to and just decided to stick to the troll. Coming out of the mouth of Mountain Springs my dad finally sticks one on a J-9 rainbow patterned Rapala. Then it popped off a second later. Finally we get a bite 4 hours into our day though. We make a couple of passes in this stretch and my dad gets hit on every pass, but losses 3 out of the 4 hits he gets. Right when we think we get on a pattern though the fish stop rising and stop biting. Back to the drawing board.

Passed by Kevin again and he invited us over to join him for lunch. Offered us some lambchops and there was no way we could turn that down. Beached the boats threw out some bait rods and had some killer lunch! Thanks again Kevin lunch was awesome! While we were on shore my dad threw a senko around in hopes of finding a green fish or two around and still biting.

Sure a heck he found a good looking largemouth that was willing to bite.

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Nothing else was happening here though so we parted ways and took off hoping to get some more fish on the stringers. My dad and I tried out same lane where we were getting hit, before but we still just weren't seeing anything. With my battery for the trolling motor dying we just drifted bait around hoping that something would happen. Sun is getting down at this point and I was losing hope, I haven't even had a hit all day! As the sun was going down though the magic hour began. The wind died down, water was flat calm and fish started rising around us pretty consistently. I switched over to a powerworm and started trolling that around. While were were doing a slow troll my dad threw Rapala's and I threw my crappie jigs around at the risers. After a while I finally got one to hit my powerworm and I'm on the board!!! 9 hours into the day I finally get my first fish. Persistence pays off. Not much later I stick another on the powerworm and confidence is building.

Battery was practically completely dead now though so it was time to just sit on top of em and do some casting. Since we were just sitting and I can't troll my powerworm anymore I free lined some powerbait on the surface and just let it float on top. Two seconds after that hit that water It got slurped and I had my third one of that day! After seeing that and with how low the sun was my dad and I threw the same technique out to put some more fish in the boat before it was too dark. We had a quick double, boated both fish and decided that was a good note to end on.

Looking back I can't believe I was able to pull 4 fish out in the last hour of day light. Stuck it out and it all paid off.

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Our 6 fish of the day.

Glad to got to get a fishing day in before the rains come. I probably won't get out again till after they pass.

Till Then Guys

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