Monday, December 31, 2012

Amador 12/19/12

My dad wanted to get back out to Amador, especially with reports of DD fish being caught recently. On the water just after 0800, Weather was bright, barely breezy, but absolutely freezing. Weather was so cold I couldn't even get my motor started so we started off
trolling around the dam with grubs and Rapala's. Nothing here so we headed towards Mountain Springs where my dad and I usually hook a few. As were on our way there my dad remember how slow the bite was our last trip out here and what worked when it was slow so he threw a powerworm on. Wasn't much later he stuck one and drew first blood. I thought to myself I should switch, but no the grub should work. Then he sticks another one that gets farmed. Sold, I'm switching! My dad was sticking em on brown, I decided to try my luck on chartreuse.

By the time I switched over though, the school was gone. I found a couple fish that fell to the powerworm at the mouth of Doney Bay, but it was also short lived. We did a few laps between the two locations seeing a few fish surfacing, but next to no action.

I'm starting to learn how to read my fish finder in knowing whats fish, bait, and just crap. As I'm looking at it I see a bunch of fish close to the surface. Told my dad looks like were going over a school of trout, then just like that my rod doubled over. Pretty awesome seeing em then hooked them just like that. Kept looking at my fish finder and I saw this half a dozen times.

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If I didn't know any better I would think that there were sturgeon in Amador! One can dream.

After that fish we couldn't find anything anywhere. Decided while the bite was slow we would check out Jackson. Figured it should be looking good with the water level up a bit. Got the boat a good ways back into the creek and saw no fish, but crystal clear water and beautiful scenery. Sorry I didn't snap and pic for you guys I was occupied on looking for fish. Nothing back here though so off we went.

I graphed a crap load of fish right at the spill way, probably from today's plant. We killed the motor and tried tossing jigs and flies at em to see if we could get any more. 2 more hours of plugging away ended with 3 more fish to the boat and we thought it was a good days work from there. 7 fish to the boat and freezing our nuts off, were happy with the day's turn out. Off of the water today around 1630.

Got back to the cleaning station and took care of the catch.

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Nothing massive today, and apparently DFG came in and stocked Amador sometime recently. There is a 20lber out there with my name on it though, I'll find him soon enough.

Till Next Time Guys

P.S. Sorry for lack of pictures on this one guys, wasn't really feeling like a picture day.

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