Monday, December 31, 2012

Hagen Park Trout

Well update on me for everyone I am currently between two jobs at the moment and until I start my
new job I've been so broke I can't even afford fishing trips anymore, I still have to get my fix in some how though so when I get the chance I've been hitting Hagen when I'm in Rancho Cordova to see the girl friend. Hit the pond Friday 12/14/12 with my friend Adam after the most recent stock. Moved away from the majority of the crowd on the pond and found a school of fish holding close to a weed line and we went to town on them for a while.

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We got most of our fish on chartruese powerworms under a bobber and I showed Adam how to drop shot powerworms and he ended up catching the majority of his fish on that. We would pound the fish for the better part of a half hour or so then they would move on us we would have to find em again and once we did we would get bites left and right. Best technique I saw one gentlemen was working a trout magnet under a bobber and he was doing most of the catching by far. Ended that day with about 15 fish for each of us.

Went back Sunday 12/16/12 with Deni to kill a few hours. Found fish in the same spot but not in the same numbers as Friday.

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This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768.

Been growing the beard out since I've been out of work.

I managed to pop 3 on a powerworm on a drop shot and one on powerbait with in 30 mins, but as I was working to get my 5th a cormorant came swimming through and scared all of my fish off.

Kept working the pond for another hour until my school finally came back and I popped my last one on rainbow powerbait.

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After that Deni was pretty cold and was getting bored from struggling to find a bite so we called it a day from there.

I should be back to work within another week hopefully. I need cash to make it to the Christmas bash and I still have a sturgeon out there waiting for me with my name on it.

Till Then Guys

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