Monday, December 31, 2012

Amador Night 12/29/12

Decided to give Amador a shot at night seeing as how the trolling bite out there for me had only been fair on my past few trips. Convinced Adam and Garrett to come out and brave the cold with me in hopes of some decent trout numbers, and hopefully finally get into some size. On the water around 2000 to find no one out on the dock. That's either because its too cold for anyone else to be stupid enough to come out here and fish at night, or the fish haven't been active at night. I was hoping it was the first option. The whole dock to our self's we tried spreading out and covering all of the area's and depths to find the fish. Dropped powerbait down on most rods and Garrett and I tried jigging some glow in the dark crappie tubes.

Little more then an hour into the night I get the first bite and bring a sunfish up out of the water.

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Pretty sure it's some kind of crappie red ear
hybrid, but not 100% sure.

For only that one bite in over an hour though man it was slow and if Adam didn't bring his stove out to make hot chocolate for us the cold would have been much worse. Luckily that and plenty of layers made the weather fairly bearable.

I told Garrett it was his turn to catch a fish, then an hour and a half later one of Garrett's rods goes off. He set the hook on this fish and once he felt that weight of the fish he shouted fish on with the excitement of a 6 year old catching their first fish. Then fish made a jump put some slack in his line and he screamed NO!!!! at the top of his lungs with more sorrow then I've ever heard in my life. I really believe he was about to shed a tear, if not start flat out balling. Lucky for Garrett the fish was still on though, all was good we netted the fish and Garrett got the skunk off of his back.

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He was pretty excited about this fish if you could imagine.

This one's for you Marv!

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It was one of those nights.

Roughly 3 hours into the night we only had two bites. I decided to check my powerbait that had been sitting out all night and found it flat as a pancake. There's one more bite I wasn't around for. Some how though with the lack of fish biting we managed to stay pretty entertained just between talking shit between eachother and talking about looking forward to next years shad and salmon season. Yea were all ready thinking about it.

Adam brought a cup o noodles for each of us too to keep us warm throughout the night. As we were heating em up someone mentioned cooking up the one trout we had as well, then the idea of adding it to the cup o noodles sounded godly. Filleted that bitch on the dock, seared it in the pot real quick and we had some trout noodles for dinner and I got to tell you if was freaking delicious.

All night I kept hoping the bite would turn on as I've seen it get better as the night has gone on before. There was defiantly no lack of bait around.

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Saw thousands of shad milling around the dock as usual.

Guess its just too cold for the trout to be active at night. We stuck it out till 0000, but with the bite not picking up after that it just wasn't worth staying any longer. Still was a great night on the water regardless of the bite being poor. I have to say so far Amador has been pretty disappointing this year for me. New Melones seems to be where its at.

Till Next Time Guys

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