Tuesday, May 21, 2013

AR Shad, its getting there

Been slacking on reports, mostly cause there really isn't too much to report.

Been fishing every day from 5/16-5/19 and results are 16th: 10 fish to the boat in 2 hours, 17th: 8 fish to the boat in 4 hours, 18th: 4 fish to the boat in 3 hours, and 19th: 12 fish to the boat in 4 hours. The shad are moving all over the place and the second I think I've got their system figured out they switch it up on me. The 16th my water balloon trick payed off well and I found a deeper hole where the fish have been hiding out during the mid day and I have recently always been starting off my day their until the sun sets and the fish disperse a bit. We anchored on em and actually did really well for the short time we were out there. Got most throwing the jigs at
schools as they passed by sight fishing em out, but did get a few the lazy way with the rods out in the rod holder.

17th, back to the same area the fish were still there but they weren't sitting in any kind of lane. Every single fish in the area had joined into one huge school and was probably 2,000+ fish strong. It made for some run and gun shad fishing. I would try to anchor on them, we would cast in catch maybe one, then they would bolt off. We tried waiting em out for them to come back but they never did. It was being on the trolling motor constantly just following the school around and trying to get the perfect drift to get one to bite. Most of the fish would ignore the jigs they were so skiddish and spooked.

Same deal on the 18th, but on the 19th the school broke up and they were in lanes again throughout the area. Better conditions for fishing, but man make up your freaking mind fish. Anchored on the lanes and had a fairly consistent day. Worked a lane for 30mins to an hour and then the fish would move off so we would pick up anchor and find the next school.

These trips usually go from 1600-2000 ish and I've had a free lined shad out every evening. Everyday I usually see one or maybe two stripers out there lurking around the area, but they are only 24-26 inches long. Not nearly big enough to take a live shad. My dad and friends have told me when they are fishing the mornings they have been seeing a 20+lber harassing the schools while they are trying to fish for em. My good friend Daryl who went out with my dad this morning told me while he was fighting a shad it took off on a crazy run then at the end of the run his line went slack and he thought he lost the fish. Reeled some dead weight back in and had a beaten up, munch on shad, with the big momma striper following it in as he was reeling it back to the bank. I'll have to try a morning when I have a day off to maybe have a better chance at the striper cause the big boys just don't seem to be out in the evening.

A few pics from the last couple of days.

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Caught this guy as it was floating down the river. Nice little score.

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Definitely the toughest American River Shad season yet. Fishing has just been spotty. Its ok one day and tough the next. Its not to any lack of fish either there are tons of fish in the area, but the low water just has them spooked beyond all believe and the water isn't deep enough for them to hold in any lanes like they normally do. The schools are constantly swimming in circles and it just a matter of hitting that 5 second window off getting a jig in there and hoping one will bite as they swim by. Still loads of fun though.

Side note and a little rant here. Its no secret to you guys I fish at Rossmoor which is in part of the barbless section of the American River and when I'm out there in my boat it drives me insane that by law even though I have my second rod stamp I'm not allowed to use two rods out here. I don't see me harming anything by continuing to fish for shad while I'm lining out a live one for a striper, or even me dropping two rods in for shad while on anchor. If the area was artificial baits only I would maybe understand the 1 rod only law, but it personally drives me crazy that I can't use two rods up here. I know one guy could never get a law changed or removed, but I want to send an email or something to DFW asking why this law is here and what harm it brings or if by some miracle it could some day get removed. I don't see the harm in it.

Took yesterday and today off from fishing. Deni says I've been fishing too much so I wanted to spend some time with her plus I have my final for school today so I need to crack down on that then I'll be back out soon.

Till Then Guys

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