Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Shad 5/06-5/07

Monday night I brought Steven out on the boat to try for shad again. Got on a few fish right away, but it was pretty windy today. Unfortunately for me here it's all sight fishing and the slightest breeze ruins that. We were able to make out a few schools passing by in the chop though so we knew we were on fish. Started around 1600 and probably didn't get our first fish until 1830.

Steven was the first to get into one.

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Around 1900 we had a few fish come in and around us and we stuck a few, but nothing crazy. Right around that time the wind layed down for us too which was nice, but then it picked up again around 1930 our bite died and it got cold. Left around 1945 with only 3 fish to the boat and quite a few more hits that we just never connected on.

Back again with Kevin (insearchoffish) in the morning. Got on a few and stuck one almost right away. Fish were doing their normally schooling thing today. You'd see em swim by, might get a cast at em maybe two then they would be gone.

Kevin stuck one in a passing school and got into his first shad.

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This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768.

First ever shad baby. We had a few more schools pass by, but most of em just ignored our jigs as they drifted by em. After a while we saw a fairly decent sized striper roll by and all of our shad were gone. Spooked and they ran up river on us. Not anywhere to be found. We zig zag across our whole section and couldn't find em again. After a half hour or so of sitting and waiting for em and searching for them we were going to run up river to try and plug for some stripers. On the way up though we saw them all shooting back down river. Chased em and found them holding BY THE THOUSANDS!!! We looked across the river and the entire bottom of the river turned black with shad. Made a cast, not a hit, another cast watched em, they parted around the jig to avoid it. Literally thousands of fish swimming past us and they will not bite!

You had to get a perfect drift and put it right in their face then one would swim towards it and turn away. Eventually I got one to hit landed em. Looked up after I got the fish dealt with and all of the fish were gone. In the blink of an eye they took off and were no where to be seen.

We really just could not find them after that. Threw in the towel around 1300. Will be back again soon to try and start hooking into some more numbers. Maybe only brought 5 to the boat.

Till Next Time
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