Thursday, April 10, 2014

Eels at Bodega 4/6/2014

Woke up one morning and was craving the salt, felt like a trip to bodega was in order. I knew Mike has been wanting to do the eel thing with me for a while so I picked him up and my friend Robyn who was in town for the weekend. Showed up to Doran just around 0900 in perfect timing just as the rocks got exposed and the tide was still going out. Got everything
set up and Mike caught on to the poke pole concept really quick, but kept catching the wrong species.

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Mike was slamming the small rockfish left and right, but couldn't seem to find an eel. It took Robyn a little longer to get bit, but once she did get one she was tearing the eels up.

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I was able to get one decent picture in. She didn't really want her picture taken.

I swear though every 2 mins she was walking over to me with an eel and she had it dialed in. I kept trying my plastics for rockfish but they were just not around today. I stayed persistent as long as I could and I did miss a few bites and managed to stick a couple of small gophers, but for the most part no one was home. It was either a bad day or I'm afraid people finally found out you could get rockfish here and this spot has become really pressured.

While I'm still trying and hoping the rockfish bite will turn around Mike finds his first eel and probably the biggest of the day.

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Right on, with seeing that and Robyn still bringing the eels in left and right I had to give up and get in on the hot bite. Ran around in the rocks with my squid and managed to get a few eels myself with one decent one to add to the box.

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We stayed here and went to town on the eels till about 1300, I wandered off and pumped a couple of clams and ghost shrimp up to add to the mix as well along with throwing my crabhawk out to bring in a few keeper red crabs. The tide started coming in and we had hit these rocks pretty hard so we took off from there. Went to hit the Jetty for a little while to see if we could bring any more crabs home for dinner. Threw rings and a snare for a couple of hour to add dozen more reds and rocks into the cooler, but no keeper dungies, only short females were caught today. Left Bodega around 1600 to make it home in time to make dinner and watch the premier of Game of Thrones!

Great day on the water, next time I need to bring the boat to drop pots and do some trolling. I did see some boats heading back into the marina cleaning salmon while we were fishing so I don't know if anyone has heard anything about the bite at bodega, but from what I saw there has to be at least a few out there.

Till Next Time Guys

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