Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Lake Amador 4/27-4/28

Haven't been going out to Amador nearly as much as I should have been this winter season and I've been wanting to get back. Took my friend Dustin out with the tin can cause I couldn't get a hold of my bigger boat. Made it on the water just after 0900 and started trolling grubs around the lake. Made it one lap around the whole lake without a single bite. Time to change it up, did another lap around the lake with Rapala's for still no bites. I know the recent storm that rolled through probably messed with the bite, but I didn't expect it to be this slow. Ran back into Jackson knowing there would be some water flowing back there to hope to
find a few fish. I tossed a mini jig around and Dustin tried tossing a Rapala. I managed to hook into one, saw the fish thrashing and my line popped, P-Line sucks. Kept working the area hoping for another chance, Dustin did managed to have one follow his Rapala, but it never committed to hitting it.

Back out to the lake to try again. There wasn't a lot, but there was a decent amount of surface activity so I knew fish were moving around still. Tried a completely different approach and drifted powerbait across the lake with the wind. Shortly into the drift I finally get the first bite of the day and stuck a 3+lber. Kept drifting for a while for a few missed bites and short strikes. We couldn't hook into any, but at least we were getting bites now. After a couple of unsuccessful drifts we gave bass fishing a quick try. I managed to stick one quick on a robo worm right away to have it pop off right next to the boat. Kept working the bank in Carson Arm and managed to get one good hit on a jerkbait, but nothing more. Did a few more drifts with powerbait for just a couple of short strikes before we called it quits after 1700.

My one lonely fish at the cleaning station.

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Determined not to let one of my home lakes get the best of me my dad and I took the bigger boat out the next day. Got a little bit more knowledge and a better ride we were getting fish today. On the water around 1300 and started fast trolling Rapala's to cover water and maybe find some biting fish. Did a lap around the lake without a hit still, switched it up and slowed the troll down. Trolled grubs, spoons, and hoochies around till I finally stuck one on a pink hoochie behind a silver dodger @ 15ft on the rigger. Got something to bite trolling maybe I can find the pattern. Struggled keeping the right speed I wanted. Was going just barely too fast on the main motor and the wind was too strong to go the right speed on the trolling motor. Kept at it for a while though and was able to stick one more and farm on trolling the hoochie around.

Frustrated, with the trolling speed even though I was getting hits, I knew I should be getting more. Made the switch to just work with the wind and try drifting again. We drifted pink power worms, the hoochie, and powerbait. My dad put two in the box drifting a powerworm with a split shot with missing a couple other hits and I missed one good hit drifting the hoochie. As the sun was setting we wanted to try for bass a little bit so we finished off the day doing that. I tried the spook for the longest time looking for a blowup while my dad kept to his plastics. I tried the spook for sometime without any attention, I had to realize it probably wasn't going to happen. I switched over to a crankbait to still try for a reaction bite and maybe get down to them to get a bite. Worked the banks hard for a while before I managed to get my first bite, but I was able to pull this guy off a point in probably about 10ft of water.

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That guys swallowed that bait down deep and got himself gut hooked pretty good. Was bleeding pretty good by the time I was done getting my bait back so in the box he goes. Kept at it still the sun went down for one more missed bite for both my dad and I, but nothing else to the boat.

Our final kill count at the end of the day.

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Not an Amazing day, but we did way better then I did the day before, so I call that a success.

I want to get back out here again maybe for a night trip, but I know silver bullets in the system so I might be lost to that for a few months. We'll see how that plays out.

Till Next Time Guys

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