Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Solo Run to Amador 10/19/11

Had plans to take some people out with me today, but they all canceled, so I decided to go alone today. On my way up to the lake I saw their planting board was the same as last week. In fear of them not planting I stopped at the top of the dam and just took 5 minutes to look for surface activity. In 5 minutes I must have seen 15 trout jump, so I said good enough. Went and paid for my pass, good to go. I talked to the lady at the cafe and she told me they were planting 1,000lbs of fish everyday this week monday through friday. Definitely promising to hear.

Parked on the Dam and got my first line wet around 1400. Using my usual crappie jigs. Started off with a red one today. I decided to use a 1/16th ounce head instead of my usual 1/32nd just to get added distance so I would have a chance at more fish. I stood up on the dam about 20ft back from the water not to spook fish and to have a higher vantage point to look down on the fish. Found an area where I saw fish constantly cruising and made camp. Tossing at fish after fish hoping one will come by that is willing to bite and wont ignore my jig. As always a lot are still in shock or just flat out have lockjaw. Typical Amador.

After a while I found a few chasers and I finally connected with one.

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Cutbow #1

After a while I thought the fish were just not liking this color as much so I switched to blue. Immediately started getting more attention. After a short period of time I ended up losing two. Both did the same thing. They bumped jig on the same rock on the shore when I went to grab them and knocked my jig with a barbless hook right out of their mouth and the took off to live another day. Bummer

After a while again I felt like the fish were losing interest with my jig so I switched over to a green one. Sure enough I got more attention with this color and then got my second fish.

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Trout in the death grip.

I kept trying and missed hits here and there. I would get a bite and swing for the hookset and the fish would spit the hook before I made contact with it. I walked all up and down the dam looking for more fish that would bite, but the sun was setting the dam was casting shade over the water making it harder for me to see the fish cruising by. I decided to walk over and try off of the dock where I landed one more.

After that it got dark and I decided to call it day.

Ran up to the cleaning station to make sure I didn't make a mess of this at home.

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Today's Line-up

All in all I had to work a lot harder for my fish today, I should have had my limit, but it still felt great to get out on the water. Still waiting for them to start stocking some bigger fish, but these guys are a lot of fun for now.

Till Next Time Guys
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