Saturday, October 29, 2011

Late Night at Amador

My buddy Garrett asked me if a doing a night trip out to Amador would be a good idea or not. I told him it would be an amazing idea. He got his dad to take him out and I headed out there after work. Unfortunately when I got off of work my truck wouldn't start due to a dead battery. Absolutely wonderful. I called one of my other friends up and I said hey man I'll make you a deal. Come and jump my truck for me and I'll pay for a day license for you and take you out fishing with me to Lake Amador. Fair deal right? Well he was all over it. He rushed down to help me out we got my truck going grabbed the fishing gear and took off.

I got on the water around 2230 and Garrett was already on his way out. He left with one bluegill and a miss trout on a glow jig. I saw another 5 people out on the dock and all of them had stringers with at least 2 trout on them so it couldn't have been too slow. I set up with some powerbait under a bobber for myself and my friend Dana. I'm setting up a jig on my other rod and as I get it tied on I pick up my powerbait rod just to reel up the slack and as I pick it up I feel my rod bending over. I set the hook and get my first one within the first 5 mins. of the night. Two minutes later I head Dana say "Oh $@!%" He sets the hook and has his first fish. Then by the time I get his fish on the stringer I see my rod going off again. Hot damn were on fire!!!

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Barely 10 mins. into the evening and we already have three. Sure enough though with all of the commotion going on between us four guys come walking over and they cast their bobbers right on top of me. I mean come on man is that really necessary? There are fish jumping everywhere out here. Needless to say after they came over the bite shut down on me. Dana got tired and ran up to the truck to catch some ZZZ's.

A bit later I hear a fish jump fairly close to me so I cast my powerbait towards it and sure enough 30 seconds later I get my third one. I tried jigging under the lights while I was waiting between bites and I ended up getting short striked by some bluegills I'm sure, but never stuck anything. I saw one guy get his limit and some of trout fishing a glow in the dark jig trying for crappie. Need glow jigs next time.

I stuck it out until 0330. Ended up getting one more for a total of 4 fish for me and I missed a couple of others. Around 0300 the wind picked up and man it got cold. I wanted to stick it out for my 5th one, but I decided 4 was a good enough night for me.

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Tonight's line up.

Been a long time since I've done a night trip. Forgot how nice and relaxing it was to be able just sit down catch some fish and do a bit of star gazing. Wish my phone could take a picture of the starts for you guys, but needless to say camera phones aren't that good yet.

Till Next Time Guys

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