Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hogs at Amador 1/5/12

Took the boat out to Amador with my dad. Turns out I might not have it for much longer so might as well get some use out of it while I got it. Off to our late start as usual ended up getting to the ramp around 1130. Started off trolling, I was using my Firetiger grub and my dad was trying a few different Rapala's. Not even 30 seconds after I got my line set out and put my rod in the rod holder my grub gets slammed. I run over to grab it, but by the time I get there the fish is gone. My dad looked at me and said "Damn those grubs do work, you know though mark getting a hit that early in the day is bad luck right?" Famous last words. Needless to say we trolled around for another hour and a half all over the lake without a single bite after that.

Both of us have heard about some good action coming from mountain springs so we trolled on over in that direction to see if we could find some fish. Right as we got to the mouth of the arm we finally start seeing some surface activity so we know were finally in the right area. We make a few passes without a bite, so we try drifting and casting instead. As we get further back into the arm The fish finally start rising close enough to the boat where I can cast my jig to em. Made one cast to one right off of the bank, I felt my jig stop I set the hook and I'm finally hooked up! I held my rod high and didn't really feel any movement though. I bring the boat closer to where my jig was until I was right on top of it. I held my rod straight up for about 5 seconds and nothing was moving. F*#K I'm snagged, I make a few witches with the rod to try and pop my jig out of the snag then all hell broke loose as my "snag" took on on a run and peel off 50 yards of line on me. I'm glad I was in the boat for this one because I had to chase that damn thing all over the place for about 15 mins. before I could get him close enough to the boat for my dad to net him.

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First fish of the day baby and I set the bar for my dad with big fish to beat.

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I left my scale at home, but I'm guessing this guy to be around 7 or 8lbs, and you bet I got him on 2lb test line

We keep working the area casting to the shoreline and not much longer I here my dad set the hook and I look over and see this.

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My dad has hooked into his own nice sized fish.

I have to take action pics of my dad or else I wont get any since he doesn't like his picture getting taken.

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You can tell by the look in his face, haha.

Got that guy in and his fish was probably in the 5 or 6lb area.

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The Blood Bath had begun!!!

We spent the rest of the day in here just casting towards surfacing fish when we saw em. Away from the crowds and everything too it was nice. I did notice one guy who came in, beached his boat and was killing em casting a black wooly bugger with a clear bubble ahead of it.

Throughout the day the bite was fair to tough, but once the sun went down and evening time came around the surface went crazy with boiling trout, and as long as you could cast close enough to a boil you were getting hit and the bite was wide open for us for the next 20 mins. Only to be ruined by a boater coming in flying by us with his loud ass motor. Asshole, but 10 mins after he left the fish started jumping again so it was all good. We left the fish biting once we got our limits. Wanted to get back to the cleaning station before it got dark.

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today's catch

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the two biggest.

It started off slow but it ended up being a great day at Amador. Felt good to finally get onto some nice sized fish too finally. Can't wait to get back out there.

Till Next Time Guys

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