Wednesday, September 19, 2012

American River 9/19/12

Garrett has been telling me about his spot where some guys have been hooking into some salmon ona regular basis. I've been meaning to fish it for a while now, but I kept putting it off. Decided to wake up early before class today and give it a shot. Arrived on scene just before 0600 and joined 3 other guys in the line up. First fish was hooked by another angler at 0606. next fish wasn't hooked until about 0720. After that we had a school come through and a few guys started hooking up, myself included. I hooked into what felt like a jack. Fought it for about 20 seconds then my hooked popped. Seemed to happen a lot here, but man seeing this many fish getting hooked was cool even if most of them popped off.

I was getting to become good friends with a good snag and ended up donating a few rigs to the river. Close to 0900 I lost another set up and having not hooked another fish I was thinking about just taking off. There were a few guys at the bank though asking what we were using and wanted to see me set up. First thing I thought was you guys are asking the wrong guy seeing as I'm really new to this beading thing, but I showed them what I was doing and how I did my set up. They were really thankful for all inforamtion I could give them. I walked back out in the line. This time a bit further up river to try to avoid the snag I had been hitting all morning. Second cast in my line stops I swing up and just feel dead weight. First thought was "damn-it I can't avoid these freaking snags." Then after about 5 seconds of me just pulling on it I felt some head shakes and I felt like and idiot when I realized I had a big salmon on.

I tried working the fish up river to get out of the line and out of everyone's way. Right as I felt I had the fish under control I started walking back to the bank and the fish turns down river on me and makes a run in between everyone else's legs in the line up. After a few hops, skips, over my line, and a couple of oh shit's my fish came back in and I was able to get it to shore.

The guys I was just talking to were waiting for me back at the bank eager to take my picture.

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Felt like a first class rookie when my fish took off and made a mess out of the whole line up of guys, but it didn't seem like anyone was too mad at me. Next time I'll be sure to move further up and make sure I'm out of the way and have plenty of room to fight the fish.

Walked back out to see if I could get my limit. Second cast I snagged and broke off, again. After that I said I got my fish and I'm good. Off of the water just after 0900 with a smile on my face until I had to make the long walk back to my car carrying that heavy ass fish. All worth it though.

Till Next Time Guys

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