Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Amador 10/23/12

First off I have to say I love reading quotes like this from public boards

"With the heat we have now an the low lake level their I wouldn't count on anything till mid November at the earliest."

" I would recommend you hold off for a week or so. Everyone i saw or talked to was skunked on trout today, not even any bites."

"The water at Amador is still too warm for a decent trout bite."

"The water is still warm, there haven't been enough plants yet to establish a good number of hungry trout yet. I won't start fishing there until I see some reports start coming in."

And then going out to the lake and walking away with this.

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Don't believe everything you see on the internet! lol

Ok Lets start from the beginning.

Ethan and I heard that Amador started planting and we could not wait to get back out to our favorite trout lake. Ethan was free on Tuesday, but I had work at 1200. Some how he convinced me to make an early trip out and fish it before work. Honestly wasn't that hard to convince me since I was dieing to go. Original plan was to fish it 0500-1000, but I thought hell if were waking up early might as well go earlier and try to get some on a night bite before then sun comes up though. I walk out of my front door at 0200 to see it pouring rain outside.

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Not always fun to fish in, but I was happy because I knew it would help out the bite. Ethan and I showed up at the gate at 0345, and we realized we didn't have any cash on us only our cards. Of course unfortunately the guy who lets people in after and before hours takes cash only so there we were sitting and waiting for two hours for the gate to open. Should have slept in, or just brought cash. Time came around though and we got in around 0530 and got to fishing.

Headed straight down to the dock and I dropped a glow tube about 10ft down and just left it hanging while I was setting up my other rod. Not even 5 seconds after I put my rod down though I see my rod slowly loading up and my line veering off to the side. Went to grab it, but of course right before I got to my rod the fish dropped it. That took no time at all. Ethan and I set up a powerbait under a bobber set up to try and get some fish to bite. That didn't take long either with in an hour we both had two on the stringer.

I had a few hits tossing the glow tube around too, but I couldn't stick anything on it. After the sun came up I decided to ditch the bobber and just drop powerbait down about 6ft from the surface to give myself some more casting room for the jig. The powerbait bite was on today though.

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We stayed here until 0900 and landed 7 fish between the two of us, missing and losing quite a few others in between. Before we had to leave Ethan wanted to check out the launch ramp and see how that looked with the low water conditions.

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I was standing already half way down the ramp when I took this picture. Water is low.

I had one follower here and one bite on my white crappie jig, but nothing else.

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Decided to take off from there and get home in time for work. Lots of surface activity today on the water and before the sun came up there were tons of shad out and about jumping all over the surface.

Fish are here and they can be caught. It not the sight fishing style I'm used to fishing Amador, but right now it seems like the way to go is bait. Especially if you can get out there at night, seemed to be a bit more activity and more aggressive bites before the sun came up. We'll be headed back out with some friends Friday night to catch some fish under the moonlight if anyone cares to join us.

Till Next Time Guys

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