Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Couple Days on The AR

Fished the river for some more salmon the past few days. Can't afford Amador, but I still got to get my fix in. Salmon are still here and the river is pretty much on my way to school so it works out perfectly. Slept in a little bit Monday morning 10/29/12 got on the water around 0930. Expecting a crowd to be out there I come to the line to only find two people out there today. Everyone was probably hung over from celebrating the Giant's win I guess.

Guys on the line told me fishing had been pretty good real early but it slowed down since. Kind of expected that since I showed up pretty late, but fish are still there. The majority of the morning I saw a lot of fish moving through, but had a hard time hooking up. Later on about 1045 ish I managed to hook up and land a 10lb buck with a bit of red to him. Didn't snap and picture sorry. Me and one other fisherman stuck it out into the afternoon. 1230 I was the only guy left on the river still casting Still saw some fish moving through but less and less as the hours went on. I had a fish on fish off around 1200 and then hooked up one more time about 1300. My second fish though was not good looking at all though.

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Beat up dieing hen, let her go so she could spawn out.

I ended up catching one more fish for the rest of the day. Not even casting I was just watching salmon swimming by me with my line in the water when I felt a couple of strong tugs on my line and was just thinking what the hell I got a bite?

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This little guy grabbed my bead and got himself hooked. Fun little catch, even though he wasn't big he put up one hell of a fight for his size. Fished til 1400 before I had to leave for class.

I wasn't planning on fishing today, but Deni called me and said she wanted to carve pumpkins so I went and did that with her and stayed in Rancho to hit the river before I had to go to work.

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Our pumpkins.

Tuesday 10/30/12 I woke up earlier and got on the water around 0630. Joined a line up of 6 guys today and fished it hard, but it was slow this morning. Out of everyone we only had maybe 5 hook ups by 0830 and only one fish landed. 0840 though we started getting some more fish to come through and everyone started getting into some fish. 0855 I finally get my first hook up and land this beauty.

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Good looking buck for this time of year.

I went back out to join the line and broke off 2 cast later. I went to re-tie and realized I left my box back at shore when I was dealing with my fish. I had to leave in 30 mins anyways and I got a fish now figured I'd just call it from there.

Good couple of outings and got some more salmon to enjoy.

Till Next Time Guys

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