Sunday, October 21, 2012

Santa Cruz Pier 10/20/12

Friday I left for Santa Cruz with the Sac State Marching Band to play at a band review down at the board walk. The night before though my co-worker was telling me how he went out fishing for salmon for the first time. He got skunked, but still a cool experience. With talking to him about it though it gave me a slight salmon fever, so I had to go out in the morning. Long story short fished sunrise to 0930 on the AR hooked 4 and landed one of them.

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Good little morning outing. Got the fish taken care of and headed to Sac State and took off for Santa Cruz. Saturday morning left our hotel and showed up at the Board Walk around 1000.

I didn't bring any gear with me because I was too afraid my rod would break some where in the loading process going under the bus and everything. I was debating on just bringing an ice fishing rod to mess around with, but I decided against it and I regretted it. I was thinking I'll be ok though just hanging out with friends.

Headed down to the beach to hang out for a bit. I wasted no time digging up some sand crabs.

Little guys are fun to dig for non the less. Headed over to the pier shortly after and when I found a bait shop I had to ask if they had any gear for rent. Guy showed me a small set up with a two hook hi-low rig all ready rigged up on it and said 10 bucks, DONE! grabbed a bag of shrimp took the rod and off I went. My friends with me were all for fishing with me before we got to the pier, but when I asked them if they were coming they decided against it. Girls said they didn't have the patience for it so they took off and the rest of the guys were just following the girls, haha. Whatever see you guys later.

Walked to the side, dropped my rig straight down and I was immediately getting bites. Took a little while to hook into one of em, but I soon figured out why they were so challenging to hook.

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Little Sand Dabs are sooo small! haha. Still cool though, first sand dab I've ever caught. Stayed here caught several of these little guys.

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Local told me fishing is usually better out at the end of the pier, so I decided to pick up and move around to try and find some bigger fish. Moved further out about half way to the end and dropped back down to try again. Bites right away and I got another new species of fish I can add to my list of caught fish.

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Pretty sure it's a lizard fish. Not totally sure, but that's my best guess. Little guys are cool though, got some mean looking teeth on em. Stayed here caught several more of these guys and a few more sand dabs. A kid next to me doing the same thing I was ended up getting a flat fish somewhere between 12-14 inches. He and I both called it a big sand dab, but I saw some other people catch fish in the same size range and they were all calling them small halibut. I honestly don't know how to tell the difference. Guy once told me if you stick your hand in its mouth and you come back with fingers then you have a flounder, beyond that I know nothing. This kid's fish did have some teeth on em though.

Nothing of size for me here so I moved further out again. About 40 yards from the end of the pier, and sea lions were everywhere! All of the tourist love em, but man were they raining on my parade. I was just losing major confidence with fishing seeing them all over the place. Kept thinking to myself what fish would be dumb enough to stick around here? I did see one sea lion ripping apart some kind of flat fish while I was there.

I was still getting bite though. Fish I were catching though are small enough they don't make a much of a meal for the sea lions so I didn't have to worry about too much as far as one grabbing the end of my line while I was fighting any fish.

Ended up getting this guy here.

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I think its a type of rockfish, but I really don't know. If some one knows and could tell me that would be greatly appreciated.

Stopped getting bites after that so I moved out to the end of the pier to try there. Saw one guy with what looked like a mackerel or a king fish, again I don't know the difference. It was a very shiny fish though.

Out here I ended up getting into a bunch of Sculpins.

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I think they are Bull Heads, but again not totally sure. They were a lot more fun to catch though. They hit harder and put up a little bit of a fight though so I had a blast catching another several of these guys.

Had to leave there to get back to the band to perform. A fun couple of hours spent. Nothing worth bragging about, but I still had a blast. Got back and did our performance and headed back home.

This is a video someone took of us performing our version of the popular music video Gangum Style. t_tagged

Fun trip and it was cool to get back out to the salt. Dungie season coming up I'll have to start making some trips out to Bodega again.

Till Next Time Guys

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