Monday, January 7, 2013

Lisbon Slough 1/6/12

Was planning on searching for dino's on the Sac, but when I woke up at 0600 to pouring rain outside I debated on if the trip was going to be worth it taking my boat out there or not. I haven't seen the river in a while so idk how high fast or debrie filled it was going to be. I got everything together and waited and waited for the rain to stop and as I kept thinking about it it seem more and more like I should put the trip off. I still had to get out though, so I call my buddy steven and my girlfriend and I took them out to Lisbon slough in the Sacramento by pass. I don't know if the sturgeon have moved up in there or not yet, but I figured I could soak some bait for a bit and we could bring the bb and
pellet guns to pop cans for a while and everyone can have fun.

Quick pic I had Deni take of the Sac as we drove over the 80 bridge.

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Not the best picture, but the river looks pretty high very brown, but seems to be pretty slow. I don't know if the tide had a lot to do with it or not, but it wasn't ripping like I thought it was going to be.

got to Lisbon just after on1300 and I dropped down some roe and eel to see if there were any biting fish around.

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Water here was also very high and brown, but there was next to know current at all.

I attended the rods with Deni and Steven had fun popping cans.

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I attended the rods for over an hour and nothing was happening so I eventually just turned the clickers on took my turn on the BB gun.

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Showed em how its done too.

I'll be honest I didn't pay much attention to the rods after that I figured if anything crazy happened I'd hear the clicker hopefully. We stayed out for about 2 hours and took off from there. No fish, but we all had fun and that's what its all about in the end. I'll get that sturgeon another day. thought I'd make the post to show the conditions of what I could see of the Sac and Lisbon. I'm sure there are some fish in Lisbon, the water is certainly high enough. Maybe just needs a little bit more time to get some more fish moving through, I know I haven't even heard of anyone trying out there yet.

On a quick side note today 1/7/12 was finally my first day of work at the new store.

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Feels so nice to get back to work after 2 months doing nothing but waiting on em. If anyone near Rancho Cordova is looking for a new place to shop or would like to just check it out we open Wednesday morning. I'm in the meat department so I'll be in the back of the store if your trying to find me.

Till Next Time Guys

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