Thursday, February 7, 2013

Amador 2/7/13

Took the boat back out to Amador with my dad to try to boat some more Cutbows. Ever since I fished with my friend Harry at New Melones and he showed me up trolling powerworms with his mini fly hook my dad has been dying to try it. He finally got some and we were going to try it on a side by side comparison today. He trolled powerworms with the smaller fly hooks while I just trolled with my usual size 8 octopus hooks. We trolled chartreuse and pink power worms for over an hour around the lake for absolutely nothing. Saw an open bank spot where I've seen people doing well on powerbait in the past so we stopped to give it a try. Soaked powerbait off of the point casting 30ft out into about 8-10ft of water.

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30 mins. or so after being here one of my rods goes off and I stick and land the first fish of the day.

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Nice chunky
little fish. I was looking at him and I wanted to get a measurement on him real quick. I laid out the tape measure saw him out at 18 inches. The second I looked up from the ground though my second rod was going off. Picked that up and got my second fish in.

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Two fish in under an hour, not too bad. We stayed for another hour without any more bites though so we took off and went back to trolling. Finally outside of the mouth of the Jackson arm my dad hooks up on his pink worm.

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We got that fish in the boat and now neither of us were skunked. We made a few circles around the mouth of Jackson and Doney bay for a few more quick strikes, not no crazy action. My dad decides to hold his rod to try to get the stick the next bite before it lets go. Not long after he picked it up his rod loads up and he is hooked up again. Way back out behind us we see this huge flash just roll on top of the surface, oh shit we got a hog. I slowed the boat down reeled in all of the other lines and then threw it in neutral to make sure we got this fish in. As we got the fish close we saw a tangled mess coming in with my dad's line. Thought he got tangled up in one of our other lines, but no there all in. This fish had a line hanging out of its mouth and my dad happened to catch the line. Cool thing to hook up on but with the extra line out it was hard to get it into net range. Eventually it tired out enough my dad could grab the line safely and pull it in net range. Barely got the net around him but I did and we landed our first hog of the season from Lake Amador.

My dad hates getting his picture taken so he had me take a picture with the fish.

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28 inches and 9.36 pounds. This is what Amador is all about right here. Doesn't matter how the rest of the day goes were happy.

Trolled around in the same circle for a couple more hours for a few more hits a one more fish. All action for my dad though on the smaller fly hooks. I wasn't getting anything.

Nothing else was happening here so we headed to mountain springs and see if anything else was happening there. Right as we got to the mouth of mountain springs both of my dad's rod's go off and we got a double. Then when I was trying to net his fish my rod went off and I couldn't get to it in time before he left go. Got his fish in and it looks like were doing pretty good for as slow as it has been here.

I tried trolling a tube jig just for the hell of it and it ended up getting slammed once.

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Defiantly my PB Crappie. Way cool by catch.

Trolled until 1630 for a few more short strikes and a couple of farmed fish. Headed back to the ramp after that. Back at the ramp there was a boater that came up and cut us off at the ramp who had been doing nothing but running laps around the lake all day making wakes everywhere and throwing tons of debris off of the banks into the middle of the lake making trolling a bitch and a half and all of the crap getting on your line. He flew into the ramp slamming himself into another boat that was already on their trailer and ran his boat up onto the cement of the ramp!!! this guy was an out of control mess. I just tried avoiding him and working around him. Idk how but my dad saw something in him and decided to help him out.

Turned out that it was this older guy with his son and it was their first time taking the boat out and the first time either of them had ever even driven a boat. Plus the dad was smashed. If my dad didn't help them they would have backed their trailer into the boat, busted a hole in the boat and bent his trailer. I'm glad my dad helped them out because I honestly had no sympathy for them, and was ready to watch them screw their boat up. Luckily someone called them in and the sheriff came down and stopped him from driving home drunk. Luckily for him the sheriff saw something in him too and and told him to wait an hour before he drives home instead of giving him a DUI.

Anyways back at the cleaning station with today's line up.

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Best day in a while here at Amador. Hopefully with the weather warming up it will get better.

Till Next Time Guys

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