Thursday, February 7, 2013

American River 2/7/13

Had a short bit of free time to spend and I haven't been to the river in a while so I went down to see if there were any fish in my honey hole. Brought My friend Brian down with me. He doesn't have his license yet, but wanted to get out of the
house so he came to tag along and enjoy being outside. Ran down to the river and saw a few fish milling around in the area. Not after too long I hooked into my first fish.

Nice big wild buck.

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Put him back and watched him swim away to fight another day. Kept at it for a bit longer and after missing him several times I managed to get one more fish for the day.

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Pretty good work for an hour's worth of fishing. Took off from there pretty happy with the day. Thinking I might start checking out some new holes for better looking fish. I'll have to see if I can find something, but its hard to strive away from a hole that has been constantly producing fish for me. We'll see what happens

Till next time

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