Thursday, January 31, 2013

American River 1/31/13

Back at the hunt for Steel head again. Brought my friend Steven with me today. Same area I found them at on Monday. I started with throwing roe and Steven threw a Cleo for a while. 20 minutes into it neither of us had even a hit yet, so I went back to beads. Hooked up 3 or 4 times to only have the hook pop a second or two into the fight. Pretty common occurrence with this method. I did finally stick one good though and brought this beauty onto the bank.

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Never got a weight on him, but this guy measured out 31 inches. Steven and I kept at it for another hour, but the fish here learn to pick up on you after a while. After so long they learn your there, what your trying to do, and they move off. After they did we took off to leave them for another day. Hopefully my buddy Steven can hook into one soon. He is still learning a lot, I'm teaching him what I know, but I have to give it to him. Trying to learn
how to fish by fishing for steel head is not an easy task. He sure has the patients of a saint and my hat is off to him for that. We'll be back at it again soon.

Till Next Time Guys

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