Monday, March 28, 2011

Half Moon Bay 3/27/11

Garrett and I got to talking and we were thinking it was time for some serious poke polling to get some eels and maybe a few Rock
Fish. With a break in the weather we decided to go down to half moon bay to fish off of the Jetty. Low tide was at 1243. Perfect timing for us. My Girl friend Deni and friend Stephanie tagged along as well, mostly just to hang out but they tried crabbing and poke polling for a bit.

We got to the Jetty around 1100 and as I'm setting up rods for Steph and Deni, Garrett jumps ahead of me and slams a eel in his first hole.

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He his very next immediate hole he misses another one. I finally put some squid on and get down to looking for some spots.

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Garrett and I must have walked almost a mile down this jetty and only manged a half dozen of a few small 6 inch Rock Fish and smaller Sculpin.

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Fishing is slow and there just isn't anything worth wild biting today. I decide to walk back to base camp and see how well Deni and Steph were doing with the crab. I get back and they haven't gotten anything. The Surf is really rough, making it kinda hard to throw the snares and getting them to stay put. As I was asking them how things were they told me they saw a fellow fisherwoman get two eels within 5 mins right before I got there. So I keep trying and trying hoping I can get atleast one.

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Another 10 mins. later I get my first good bite and I get my eel!

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Finally 2 hours and a mile into it I get my skunk off (not counting any of the small rock fish). I walk back down and try to get another. I immediatly get another bite but unfortunatly I missed it. I was one of 4 people poke polling in this area and within 30 mins I saw 6 eels get pulled out including the one I got. After that though it was dead as a door nail. The tide started coming back in and we couldn't get anymore bites.

Garrett pushed through until the end.

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I went to try for crab while Garrett was still poke polling. I managed to get one short dungie with in an hour. Crabbing sucked. I asked around too. Most guys who were just crabbing and had been all morning only had one or 2 legals.

Garrett managed a few more small rock fish, but nothing interesting came up. With the returning tide we decided to call it a day.

Fishing and crabbing was pretty slow today, but it was still fun and I didn't get skunked =)

I think I'm going to stick to Bodega from now on.

Till Next Time

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